We're up and ready to go for the most part. It's now just a matter of getting LB's writers and graphic designers over there and doing their thing. There is still some work to be done but as far being in beta and getting things rolling we're pretty much ready to go here.
While we're sorting out who's going to contribute writing and graphics or whatever else they feel like they can add here's what I'm going to be doing.
1. Adding categories for the battle leagues.
2. Looking into a way to create profile pages for battlers and artists w/o having to actually manually create pages to do it. Probably some kind of template system.
3. Getting graphics together for the post types to use as featured images.
4. Organizing past LB Magazine issues and figuring out how exactly I want to port them over formatting wise as well as making sure the original authors are properly attributed.
5. Other categories for the News section based on the types of topics most likely to come up.
If you guys have suggestions for things you'd like to see I'm happy to hear them out. Keep in mind that I'm not a programmer though and if there isn't already a plugin for something I'm probably not going to be able to do it.
So go sign up. Try and break stuff. You'll get subscriber accounts at first that will only allow you to comment but I'll change you to author or contributor or something if you want to contribute to the site, but not until you have something to contribute.