The definition of a "Fair Vote"
It's come to my attention that this website's voting system is totally hijacked. It's been molested. It's been murdered. It's been set on fire, and thrown in a ditch.
NOBODY gives fair votes...not even half the members of the FV club itself.
If one guy says: "Yo, captain. Your "hooks" will "Neverland" like Peter Pan with severed hands."
"I bite lines, call me Mike Tyson."
...One is OBVIOUSLY better than the other. (The top one)
(No possible argument here) ...
Stop voting for your 'favorite' MC, and vote realistically.
If it were a battle between ELOH_Stackz, and SuperGuy
(No intentional name drop) ...
I'd probably vote for WHOEVER is the better mc. Not simply voting for ELOH and giving a BS excuse why he won.
"Flow and creativity took this."
Yeah, right...
You all need to step up and vote fairly. #Nuffsaid.