Surf beat Conceited though.... Lux, Hollow & Diz
After watching it no less than 20 times I've come to the conclusion that Surf beat Conceited, 2-1; taking clearly the first and third. I even skip Con's shit sometimes now to peep Surfs verses, some of it was maddddd. Like the "Powell, Kobe, Howard, back to the block" bar, the "sawn off Moxberg, K-Shine face on" shit and of course the "he said he pass the glock to Fox.... AND THEN WHUT?!" shit had me leaning.
Which leads me to my next point.... I'm hearing a lot of the next URL card in April, Night of Main Events; there's a lot of talk of Hollow vs Surf being on this card, as well as potentially Hollow vs Diz (Hollow said in the strategy room Diz is one of the few he would battle), Hollow vs Lux (most likely to be saved for SM3) and Diz vs Surf (again, likely SM3). Personally I'll be surprised if Diz vs Rex doesn't go down on this card, they've just started their beef up again on twitter, likely to reignite interest in time for an April event. Rex vs Calicoe also coming soon.
What you all think? You even wanna see Lux battle again? Or Hollow? Unless it's against each other or vs Diz/Surf then quite frankly it's a waste of time, and even then it depends on which Diz decides to show up. Rex and Calicoe are both, well, ass most of the time. Hitman Holla isn't up there yet either.
PS. Shotty Horroh to become the first Brit on URL.