Exclusive Battle League: 1st place monthly cash prizes.
If the admins put up $20 a month via paypal for 1st place finisher in the exclusive leagues only, they'd get at least a dozen active battlers involved monthly. With memberships at $5 a month, if you got 12 people interested in competing for the prize(& considering the size of the active member base i think thats more then an under-estimate)... 12 members x $5 = $60.
Multiply that by 12 months you get $720 and the prize cost only runs you up $240 at $20 a month. thats a $480 profit with only TWELVE members involved in the exclusive leagues! If the idea caught on I could see that number of people interested being 3 or 4 times that easily...
Thats an easy way for the site to profit more per month while providing the battlers w/ a fresh new competitive outlet. While giving the site a more professional appeal by rewarding battlers with real-life prizes for their accomplishments at the same time.
Theres next to no coding necessary for an idea like this and a HUGE potential to increase member activity, outside interest in the site, exclusive league activity & the quality of active ranked monthy competition.
Pro's: High Profit Margins, Increased Exclusive Activity, Low Capital Investment, Professional Appeal.
Con's: I cant think of any.
What do you think?
Pugz @
Mindless @
Askari @
just c @ rhetorikal