just my text ideas...idk if they been thrown out or not
like you can rate on wordplay and so.....should have cats for personals and name flips.....atleast with personals will have ppl looking at peoples profile for info and maybe stumble on a callabo or meet a great network chance.......name flips i find are the creactive part....get to see some ingenuis ideas...
just throwing this out there and maybe people that "founded" multiple crews should be allowed to vote on there founded crews....cause they can still have ties that crew and drop unfair votes
Originally Posted by Dono
You gotta audio spit while writing a verse famo. Get back in the dojo you got work to do not interviews. *mean face*
But theo, don't worry. Ill send you everyone that fails out of the dojo. (Not blocc though, he's THAT dude)
Originally Posted by UnEtH
American Handegg = "Oh, did he get tackled? RESTART THE ENTIRE GAME!!!!!"
NBA = "Ref, he slapped my arm" "FOUL!"
NHL = "Oh my god, did you see that knockout in the fight?"...No, I saw a guy attempt to fight on ice skates.
MLB = Less fun version of rounders.