
11-05-2013, 01:25 PM
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(All other races that arent white) also gotta realize you gotta walk into a job interview looking professional, prepared and speaking intelligently.. You cant be like "yeah im hurr fa da job my nigga".. Well what position did you apply for? "Ummm ionno".. Also i've realized that going straight to a job or filling out apps online may not be the best answer.. You gotta take advantage of opportunities that are given to you like i am with these job programs... I'm bout to also get a case manager that is gonna go above and beyond for me.. If i need food, they'll take me to a church.. If i have a job interview, they'll take me.. If i need medical, food stamps, blah blah blah, they'll take me to Job and Family Services.. Motherfuckers choose to struggle sometimes..
---------- Post added at 01:25 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:16 PM ----------
Statistics are for retards.. I worked at BK with nothing but black people.. We are all criminals and new to the job world.. Thats why we were working at Burger King cuz thats all we qualify for..
11-05-2013, 01:25 PM
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(All other races that arent white) also gotta realize you gotta walk into a job interview looking professional, prepared and speaking intelligently.. You cant be like "yeah im hurr fa da job my nigga".. Well what position did you apply for? "Ummm ionno".. Also i've realized that going straight to a job or filling out apps online may not be the best answer.. You gotta take advantage of opportunities that are given to you like i am with these job programs... I'm bout to also get a case manager that is gonna go above and beyond for me.. If i need food, they'll take me to a church.. If i have a job interview, they'll take me.. If i need medical, food stamps, blah blah blah, they'll take me to Job and Family Services.. Motherfuckers choose to struggle sometimes..
---------- Post added at 01:25 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:16 PM ----------
Statistics are for retards.. I worked at BK with nothing but black people.. We are all criminals and new to the job world.. Thats why we were working at Burger King cuz thats all we qualify for..

11-05-2013, 01:28 PM
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Originally Posted by UnEtH
Where are these statistics? The rarity of people having the EXACT same qualifications and experience is ridiculously large.
It's not just "possible", that's an under statement. You either do or you don't, and each is a choice.
What studies?
Because of the class system, I'd say for a high level job there will be 50 white applicants and 10 black applicants. If they pick a white guy...they're not picking favourites based on race? What happens when the interviewer is a black man? Nothing change?
I can't work behind a counter in a shop, the most readily available job for an unemployed young person in Ireland (not that labouring is dead), because that's a job women almost exclusively get. Is this sexism? Should I make a speech about having a dream over this? No, based on the experiences of the employer, they find women work in this job better. This doesn't make them sexists. If an employer picks a white person over a black person, does it make them a racist right off the bat?
Just so many excuses get thrown around. You could change the words race and black in our debate, and make it working class and poor, and you could have the exact same debate with a guy growing up in a council estate in Glasgow. "No opportunities", "No one will hire me" blah blah blah. Anyone can overcome anything, if they stop making fucking excuses about everything.
Do these people watch Men of Honour and only pick up on the racism part, and not the black man becoming a master diver part?
.....what? That absolutely is sexism. If you're equally as qualified there's no reason that you shouldn't be considered for the job. Saying 'they tend to be better' is a stereotype and a bigoted opinion.
The point isn't underrepresentation by volume it's by percent. Lets use your example. If 5000 white people apply and 1000 black people apply for 600 jobs, you would expect to see roughly a 5:1, white:black ratio if qualifications were the same and racism wasn't a thing. You don't see those kinds of equality ratios, they're skewed white.
Also, skim this real quick if you don't think racism is something impacting job outlook:
That's 2003, not that long ago and certainly in a time when racial discrimination should have been declining. There's countless studies like this.
Last edited by Dono; 11-05-2013 at 01:36 PM.
11-05-2013, 01:28 PM
2x ATT ChampionTopical Champion2x One Bar Champion
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Originally Posted by UnEtH
Where are these statistics? The rarity of people having the EXACT same qualifications and experience is ridiculously large.
It's not just "possible", that's an under statement. You either do or you don't, and each is a choice.
What studies?
Because of the class system, I'd say for a high level job there will be 50 white applicants and 10 black applicants. If they pick a white guy...they're not picking favourites based on race? What happens when the interviewer is a black man? Nothing change?
I can't work behind a counter in a shop, the most readily available job for an unemployed young person in Ireland (not that labouring is dead), because that's a job women almost exclusively get. Is this sexism? Should I make a speech about having a dream over this? No, based on the experiences of the employer, they find women work in this job better. This doesn't make them sexists. If an employer picks a white person over a black person, does it make them a racist right off the bat?
Just so many excuses get thrown around. You could change the words race and black in our debate, and make it working class and poor, and you could have the exact same debate with a guy growing up in a council estate in Glasgow. "No opportunities", "No one will hire me" blah blah blah. Anyone can overcome anything, if they stop making fucking excuses about everything.
Do these people watch Men of Honour and only pick up on the racism part, and not the black man becoming a master diver part?
.....what? That absolutely is sexism. If you're equally as qualified there's no reason that you shouldn't be considered for the job. Saying 'they tend to be better' is a stereotype and a bigoted opinion.
The point isn't underrepresentation by volume it's by percent. Lets use your example. If 5000 white people apply and 1000 black people apply for 600 jobs, you would expect to see roughly a 5:1, white:black ratio if qualifications were the same and racism wasn't a thing. You don't see those kinds of equality ratios, they're skewed white.
Also, skim this real quick if you don't think racism is something impacting job outlook:
That's 2003, not that long ago and certainly in a time when racial discrimination should have been declining. There's countless studies like this.
Last edited by Dono; 11-05-2013 at 01:36 PM.

11-05-2013, 01:41 PM
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Two posts in and I already have to start correcting shit. I'm just going to ignore Eth because, well, Eth. Let's get this over with 'cause I need to give my dog a bath.
Originally Posted by M U G G Z
I agree.. which may be shocking since Im a 'black guy' from the ghetto... who made it out on my own..
But I will rebuttal the "race is irrelevant" statement..
let's look at the US President... The BLACK US President..
When he announced he was running for president, the secret service had to start guarding him about six months before they normally start guarding presidential candidates, because of all the death threats he was receiving. So the question is why is that? What had he done that was so bad that they had to start guarding him that early? Did he murder somebody, rape somebody, rob a bank, commit an act of terrorism?
Wrong. They started guarding him earlier because primaries start earlier than they used to and all presidential candidates receive secret service as soon as they request it. Hell, Reagan announced he was running in November of 79 and requested secret service protection and got it the same day. The same as any other major party candidate would get. That's how it works. If you're in one of the two major parties, you announce your candidacy and then request Secret Service protection. Then you get it.
As far as the death threats thing, there isn't actually any evidence that he received more than any other presidential candidate. In fact, during a Homeland Security meeting Secret Service director Mark Sullivan told Rep. Eleanor Holmes Norton that the number of threats and "inappropriate interests" were at the same level as it had been for the previous two presidents.
Originally Posted by M U G G Z
You had the so-called birthers attempting with all of their might to de-legitimize his presidency saying that he couldn’t be president because he wasn’t born in the United States. No matter how much data was examined or presented to show he was born in the United States, (birth certificate, announcement of his birth in two papers at the time) was not good enough for these people. It was all faked! The truth could only be what they fervently and bitterly believed the truth to be! They wouldn’t and probably still won’t accept anything less than what they believe to be true! Again, Why All This Drama Over Obama?
A few crazies don't spoil the whole pot. No matter how loud they are. Then you have the media finding these people and running with it so they can say "SEE! SEE! This is what people who don't agree with leftism look like! All of them are like this!"
Originally Posted by M U G G Z
Did Bill Clinton or George W. Bush have to prove they were born in the United States to be president?
No they didn't.
To be fair, neither of them had foreign born parents. Obama is the first president to have a foreign born president in well over a hundred years I think. It's kind of neat. I'm surprised more isn't said about that. Here you have a guy who's not just the first mixed race president but also in some respects the first one to have a parent who wasn't born an American citizen in a very long time. It's incredibly interesting.
Originally Posted by M U G G Z
At many of the so-called town halls meeting, angry protestors carried caricatures of the president as Adolf Hitler as well as other offensive racial images of him to show what a horrible person they think he is! But what had President Obama done to make them view him as Hitler or as someone who was the same type of person as Hitler?
Hitler killed millions of people, what had President Obama done that could be equated to what Hitler had done?
First, free speech protects speech you don't like. Not speech you do. Second, those people are evidence of the increasingly radicalised American political system. Also, leftism is often compared to fascism because leftism is often equated with a super powerful state.
Originally Posted by M U G G Z
Of course not everyone who doesn’t like the president is a racist. Some may have legitimate political differences with him. That’s oK. They can disagree with him and have a civil discourse about it without spewing hate and hostility.
Some people don’t know that their negative racial feelings are fueling their fear and hatred of President Obama and would be mortified to think that they harbored any such feelings.
Liberal tripe. "You don't know you're a racist but you are. That's why you don't like liberal policies." Let's get something clear. I fucking LOATHE Obama and it has nothing to do with his race and everything to do with his politics. That same loathing applies to Dianne Feinstein, John McCain, Hillary Clinton, etc. Because these people don't care about the American people. They care about their agendas and they care about keeping themselves in a ruling class above everyone else. Don't tell me I'm a secret racist or a secret woman hater because I don't like Obama or Clinton.
Originally Posted by M U G G Z
But, psychologically, when someone automatically experiences intense hatred, dread or other such emotions about someone they don’t know, it’s usually a sign that they have underlying subconscious feeling they aren’t acknowledging.
Or they could, and bare with me here, legitimately hate the ideology and motives a person holds. I hate Nazis. Is that some underlying subconscious feeling I'm not acknowledging? Or is it that I legitimately hate the ideals they hold about my people? Could I not feel the same way about leftist ideals? Couldn't I, with a full understanding of Socialist and Progressive values, hold them in such contempt that when I find someone who expresses those values, hold them in contempt as well?
Originally Posted by M U G G Z
The republicans, Rush Limbaugh and others' stated agenda was to stop President Obama from being successful. Not to try to make the country better, to help people or to try to create more jobs, but to stop Obama!
Wrong again. When Rush said "I hope he fails" he was talking about Obama pushing his Progressive agenda on the country because he believed it would be disastrous for the country. He wasn't necessarily wrong.
Also not all conservatives, constitutionalist, libertarians, etc are Republicans (I assume you meant the party. When referring to the party you should use an upper case R. I would say that I'm a republican in that I believe that a republic as a system of government is best but I would never refer to myself as a Republican.) Also, what the fuck were they going to do to stop Obama? Srsly bro.
Originally Posted by M U G G Z
Are these people really Americans?
Should they even call themselves Americans, if all they care about is stopping President Obama and be damn the country?
Yes and yes. Now here's a question for you. Why is it okay for liberals to go on and on about killing Bush and burn him in effigy and all the shit they pulled when he was president but when the other side offers any negative opinion about Obama at all it's not cool? I'm not defending Bush here at all. He was a fucking twat. What I'm saying is that you can't just define free speech as only what you agree with. Besides, you should be critical of all elected officials. Always. No politician, regardless of skin color or politics, should be above critique. When that happens you're on your way to tyranny and that's not a road we want to go on.
Originally Posted by M U G G Z
There's just something about a black man being president of a "white" country that just irks them.
The Republican Party is full of Racists... They make his job hard simply because he's black.. there is no other logical reason.
If he said the sky was blue, they would disagree... smh..
I just can't even begin to understand the hypocritical shit that goes on in liberal minds. First you say it's okay to disagree with him on politics and then you say the entire Republican party is just full of racists who only don't like him because of his color. Do you not understand that Progressivism and the ideals the Republican party is supposed to stand for (but usually doesn't) of conservatism are opposites? They don't mesh. So of course they're going to not what Progressive policy going through when that's the very thing they're being elected into office to stand against. This isn't rocket surgery. If it's you, me and another Jewish guy and you want cherry swirl ice cream and we want mint chocolate chip and in a vote we vote against you is it because you're black? Or is it because we think cherry swirl is shit?
11-05-2013, 01:41 PM
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Two posts in and I already have to start correcting shit. I'm just going to ignore Eth because, well, Eth. Let's get this over with 'cause I need to give my dog a bath.
Originally Posted by M U G G Z
I agree.. which may be shocking since Im a 'black guy' from the ghetto... who made it out on my own..
But I will rebuttal the "race is irrelevant" statement..
let's look at the US President... The BLACK US President..
When he announced he was running for president, the secret service had to start guarding him about six months before they normally start guarding presidential candidates, because of all the death threats he was receiving. So the question is why is that? What had he done that was so bad that they had to start guarding him that early? Did he murder somebody, rape somebody, rob a bank, commit an act of terrorism?
Wrong. They started guarding him earlier because primaries start earlier than they used to and all presidential candidates receive secret service as soon as they request it. Hell, Reagan announced he was running in November of 79 and requested secret service protection and got it the same day. The same as any other major party candidate would get. That's how it works. If you're in one of the two major parties, you announce your candidacy and then request Secret Service protection. Then you get it.
As far as the death threats thing, there isn't actually any evidence that he received more than any other presidential candidate. In fact, during a Homeland Security meeting Secret Service director Mark Sullivan told Rep. Eleanor Holmes Norton that the number of threats and "inappropriate interests" were at the same level as it had been for the previous two presidents.
Originally Posted by M U G G Z
You had the so-called birthers attempting with all of their might to de-legitimize his presidency saying that he couldn’t be president because he wasn’t born in the United States. No matter how much data was examined or presented to show he was born in the United States, (birth certificate, announcement of his birth in two papers at the time) was not good enough for these people. It was all faked! The truth could only be what they fervently and bitterly believed the truth to be! They wouldn’t and probably still won’t accept anything less than what they believe to be true! Again, Why All This Drama Over Obama?
A few crazies don't spoil the whole pot. No matter how loud they are. Then you have the media finding these people and running with it so they can say "SEE! SEE! This is what people who don't agree with leftism look like! All of them are like this!"
Originally Posted by M U G G Z
Did Bill Clinton or George W. Bush have to prove they were born in the United States to be president?
No they didn't.
To be fair, neither of them had foreign born parents. Obama is the first president to have a foreign born president in well over a hundred years I think. It's kind of neat. I'm surprised more isn't said about that. Here you have a guy who's not just the first mixed race president but also in some respects the first one to have a parent who wasn't born an American citizen in a very long time. It's incredibly interesting.
Originally Posted by M U G G Z
At many of the so-called town halls meeting, angry protestors carried caricatures of the president as Adolf Hitler as well as other offensive racial images of him to show what a horrible person they think he is! But what had President Obama done to make them view him as Hitler or as someone who was the same type of person as Hitler?
Hitler killed millions of people, what had President Obama done that could be equated to what Hitler had done?
First, free speech protects speech you don't like. Not speech you do. Second, those people are evidence of the increasingly radicalised American political system. Also, leftism is often compared to fascism because leftism is often equated with a super powerful state.
Originally Posted by M U G G Z
Of course not everyone who doesn’t like the president is a racist. Some may have legitimate political differences with him. That’s oK. They can disagree with him and have a civil discourse about it without spewing hate and hostility.
Some people don’t know that their negative racial feelings are fueling their fear and hatred of President Obama and would be mortified to think that they harbored any such feelings.
Liberal tripe. "You don't know you're a racist but you are. That's why you don't like liberal policies." Let's get something clear. I fucking LOATHE Obama and it has nothing to do with his race and everything to do with his politics. That same loathing applies to Dianne Feinstein, John McCain, Hillary Clinton, etc. Because these people don't care about the American people. They care about their agendas and they care about keeping themselves in a ruling class above everyone else. Don't tell me I'm a secret racist or a secret woman hater because I don't like Obama or Clinton.
Originally Posted by M U G G Z
But, psychologically, when someone automatically experiences intense hatred, dread or other such emotions about someone they don’t know, it’s usually a sign that they have underlying subconscious feeling they aren’t acknowledging.
Or they could, and bare with me here, legitimately hate the ideology and motives a person holds. I hate Nazis. Is that some underlying subconscious feeling I'm not acknowledging? Or is it that I legitimately hate the ideals they hold about my people? Could I not feel the same way about leftist ideals? Couldn't I, with a full understanding of Socialist and Progressive values, hold them in such contempt that when I find someone who expresses those values, hold them in contempt as well?
Originally Posted by M U G G Z
The republicans, Rush Limbaugh and others' stated agenda was to stop President Obama from being successful. Not to try to make the country better, to help people or to try to create more jobs, but to stop Obama!
Wrong again. When Rush said "I hope he fails" he was talking about Obama pushing his Progressive agenda on the country because he believed it would be disastrous for the country. He wasn't necessarily wrong.
Also not all conservatives, constitutionalist, libertarians, etc are Republicans (I assume you meant the party. When referring to the party you should use an upper case R. I would say that I'm a republican in that I believe that a republic as a system of government is best but I would never refer to myself as a Republican.) Also, what the fuck were they going to do to stop Obama? Srsly bro.
Originally Posted by M U G G Z
Are these people really Americans?
Should they even call themselves Americans, if all they care about is stopping President Obama and be damn the country?
Yes and yes. Now here's a question for you. Why is it okay for liberals to go on and on about killing Bush and burn him in effigy and all the shit they pulled when he was president but when the other side offers any negative opinion about Obama at all it's not cool? I'm not defending Bush here at all. He was a fucking twat. What I'm saying is that you can't just define free speech as only what you agree with. Besides, you should be critical of all elected officials. Always. No politician, regardless of skin color or politics, should be above critique. When that happens you're on your way to tyranny and that's not a road we want to go on.
Originally Posted by M U G G Z
There's just something about a black man being president of a "white" country that just irks them.
The Republican Party is full of Racists... They make his job hard simply because he's black.. there is no other logical reason.
If he said the sky was blue, they would disagree... smh..
I just can't even begin to understand the hypocritical shit that goes on in liberal minds. First you say it's okay to disagree with him on politics and then you say the entire Republican party is just full of racists who only don't like him because of his color. Do you not understand that Progressivism and the ideals the Republican party is supposed to stand for (but usually doesn't) of conservatism are opposites? They don't mesh. So of course they're going to not what Progressive policy going through when that's the very thing they're being elected into office to stand against. This isn't rocket surgery. If it's you, me and another Jewish guy and you want cherry swirl ice cream and we want mint chocolate chip and in a vote we vote against you is it because you're black? Or is it because we think cherry swirl is shit?

11-05-2013, 02:28 PM
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Originally Posted by Dono
It's not about the individual level, it's on a statistical level. Statistically speaking, white people are more likely to get jobs over their black counterparts even when they have the exact same qualifications. Does that mean it'll happen everywhere in every situation? No.
So yes, it's possible to overcome disadvantage, but to say race isn't at all a factor is completely delusional. There's countless studies that show otherwise. Or would you like to contend that black individuals, women, and other minorities that have statistically worse outcomes are inherently less talented than white people?
Well said sir
---------- Post added at 02:28 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:01 PM ----------
@ UnEtH .. See what you started?? lol..
@ Mindless ... Thanks for your input.. Im sure you know that this debate could go on and on.. But instead of getting all rebuttal-ish, I actually like your point of view..
And yes.. Cherry Swirl does suck.. but if you represent millions of people, and they all voted and united to say that 'We Want Cherry Swirl', Don't let your personal opinion stop the people from getting the damn swirl. With that said, once you do give them the swirl, dont consider it as a personal failure, and then do all you can to make the swirl seem horrible.
Obama being the swirl.. He aint perfect.. never claimed to be.. but the taxpayers wanted him... we voted.. we won.. now that he's in office, it isnt wise to do all you can to shit on everything he touches.. even if it's a great bill.. idea.. etc.. it isnt wise to go against it just to spite him, not caring if it will damage the US... and shut down the Gov.. It's like spitting in a fan.. it always comes back in your face..
Dislike Obama?: Shit on any bill he tries to pass.. When it still passes.. Do all you can to 'defund' it... In process... the Gov shuts down.. People go without pay.. EXCEPT those who shut the Gov down.. let's not forget that they was exempt from all furloughs and got 100% of their paychecks.. while the people they claim they are fighting for is starving.. On top of that.. let's cut all Gov assisting programs.. and take a huge chop at unemployment RIGHT when it's needed most... yea that makes since... smh..
Originally Posted by Mindless
Two posts in and I already have to start correcting shit. I'm just going to ignore Eth because, well, Eth. Let's get this over with 'cause I need to give my dog a bath.
Wrong. They started guarding him earlier because primaries start earlier than they used to and all presidential candidates receive secret service as soon as they request it. Hell, Reagan announced he was running in November of 79 and requested secret service protection and got it the same day. The same as any other major party candidate would get. That's how it works. If you're in one of the two major parties, you announce your candidacy and then request Secret Service protection. Then you get it.
As far as the death threats thing, there isn't actually any evidence that he received more than any other presidential candidate. In fact, during a Homeland Security meeting Secret Service director Mark Sullivan told Rep. Eleanor Holmes Norton that the number of threats and "inappropriate interests" were at the same level as it had been for the previous two presidents.
A few crazies don't spoil the whole pot. No matter how loud they are. Then you have the media finding these people and running with it so they can say "SEE! SEE! This is what people who don't agree with leftism look like! All of them are like this!"
To be fair, neither of them had foreign born parents. Obama is the first president to have a foreign born president in well over a hundred years I think. It's kind of neat. I'm surprised more isn't said about that. Here you have a guy who's not just the first mixed race president but also in some respects the first one to have a parent who wasn't born an American citizen in a very long time. It's incredibly interesting.
First, free speech protects speech you don't like. Not speech you do. Second, those people are evidence of the increasingly radicalised American political system. Also, leftism is often compared to fascism because leftism is often equated with a super powerful state.
Liberal tripe. "You don't know you're a racist but you are. That's why you don't like liberal policies." Let's get something clear. I fucking LOATHE Obama and it has nothing to do with his race and everything to do with his politics. That same loathing applies to Dianne Feinstein, John McCain, Hillary Clinton, etc. Because these people don't care about the American people. They care about their agendas and they care about keeping themselves in a ruling class above everyone else. Don't tell me I'm a secret racist or a secret woman hater because I don't like Obama or Clinton.
Or they could, and bare with me here, legitimately hate the ideology and motives a person holds. I hate Nazis. Is that some underlying subconscious feeling I'm not acknowledging? Or is it that I legitimately hate the ideals they hold about my people? Could I not feel the same way about leftist ideals? Couldn't I, with a full understanding of Socialist and Progressive values, hold them in such contempt that when I find someone who expresses those values, hold them in contempt as well?
Wrong again. When Rush said "I hope he fails" he was talking about Obama pushing his Progressive agenda on the country because he believed it would be disastrous for the country. He wasn't necessarily wrong.
Also not all conservatives, constitutionalist, libertarians, etc are Republicans (I assume you meant the party. When referring to the party you should use an upper case R. I would say that I'm a republican in that I believe that a republic as a system of government is best but I would never refer to myself as a Republican.) Also, what the fuck were they going to do to stop Obama? Srsly bro.
Yes and yes. Now here's a question for you. Why is it okay for liberals to go on and on about killing Bush and burn him in effigy and all the shit they pulled when he was president but when the other side offers any negative opinion about Obama at all it's not cool? I'm not defending Bush here at all. He was a fucking twat. What I'm saying is that you can't just define free speech as only what you agree with. Besides, you should be critical of all elected officials. Always. No politician, regardless of skin color or politics, should be above critique. When that happens you're on your way to tyranny and that's not a road we want to go on.
I just can't even begin to understand the hypocritical shit that goes on in liberal minds. First you say it's okay to disagree with him on politics and then you say the entire Republican party is just full of racists who only don't like him because of his color. Do you not understand that Progressivism and the ideals the Republican party is supposed to stand for (but usually doesn't) of conservatism are opposites? They don't mesh. So of course they're going to not what Progressive policy going through when that's the very thing they're being elected into office to stand against. This isn't rocket surgery. If it's you, me and another Jewish guy and you want cherry swirl ice cream and we want mint chocolate chip and in a vote we vote against you is it because you're black? Or is it because we think cherry swirl is shit?
11-05-2013, 02:28 PM
Social Media Manager LB Radio Host Live Battler
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Originally Posted by Dono
It's not about the individual level, it's on a statistical level. Statistically speaking, white people are more likely to get jobs over their black counterparts even when they have the exact same qualifications. Does that mean it'll happen everywhere in every situation? No.
So yes, it's possible to overcome disadvantage, but to say race isn't at all a factor is completely delusional. There's countless studies that show otherwise. Or would you like to contend that black individuals, women, and other minorities that have statistically worse outcomes are inherently less talented than white people?
Well said sir
---------- Post added at 02:28 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:01 PM ----------
@ UnEtH .. See what you started?? lol..
@ Mindless ... Thanks for your input.. Im sure you know that this debate could go on and on.. But instead of getting all rebuttal-ish, I actually like your point of view..
And yes.. Cherry Swirl does suck.. but if you represent millions of people, and they all voted and united to say that 'We Want Cherry Swirl', Don't let your personal opinion stop the people from getting the damn swirl. With that said, once you do give them the swirl, dont consider it as a personal failure, and then do all you can to make the swirl seem horrible.
Obama being the swirl.. He aint perfect.. never claimed to be.. but the taxpayers wanted him... we voted.. we won.. now that he's in office, it isnt wise to do all you can to shit on everything he touches.. even if it's a great bill.. idea.. etc.. it isnt wise to go against it just to spite him, not caring if it will damage the US... and shut down the Gov.. It's like spitting in a fan.. it always comes back in your face..
Dislike Obama?: Shit on any bill he tries to pass.. When it still passes.. Do all you can to 'defund' it... In process... the Gov shuts down.. People go without pay.. EXCEPT those who shut the Gov down.. let's not forget that they was exempt from all furloughs and got 100% of their paychecks.. while the people they claim they are fighting for is starving.. On top of that.. let's cut all Gov assisting programs.. and take a huge chop at unemployment RIGHT when it's needed most... yea that makes since... smh..
Originally Posted by Mindless
Two posts in and I already have to start correcting shit. I'm just going to ignore Eth because, well, Eth. Let's get this over with 'cause I need to give my dog a bath.
Wrong. They started guarding him earlier because primaries start earlier than they used to and all presidential candidates receive secret service as soon as they request it. Hell, Reagan announced he was running in November of 79 and requested secret service protection and got it the same day. The same as any other major party candidate would get. That's how it works. If you're in one of the two major parties, you announce your candidacy and then request Secret Service protection. Then you get it.
As far as the death threats thing, there isn't actually any evidence that he received more than any other presidential candidate. In fact, during a Homeland Security meeting Secret Service director Mark Sullivan told Rep. Eleanor Holmes Norton that the number of threats and "inappropriate interests" were at the same level as it had been for the previous two presidents.
A few crazies don't spoil the whole pot. No matter how loud they are. Then you have the media finding these people and running with it so they can say "SEE! SEE! This is what people who don't agree with leftism look like! All of them are like this!"
To be fair, neither of them had foreign born parents. Obama is the first president to have a foreign born president in well over a hundred years I think. It's kind of neat. I'm surprised more isn't said about that. Here you have a guy who's not just the first mixed race president but also in some respects the first one to have a parent who wasn't born an American citizen in a very long time. It's incredibly interesting.
First, free speech protects speech you don't like. Not speech you do. Second, those people are evidence of the increasingly radicalised American political system. Also, leftism is often compared to fascism because leftism is often equated with a super powerful state.
Liberal tripe. "You don't know you're a racist but you are. That's why you don't like liberal policies." Let's get something clear. I fucking LOATHE Obama and it has nothing to do with his race and everything to do with his politics. That same loathing applies to Dianne Feinstein, John McCain, Hillary Clinton, etc. Because these people don't care about the American people. They care about their agendas and they care about keeping themselves in a ruling class above everyone else. Don't tell me I'm a secret racist or a secret woman hater because I don't like Obama or Clinton.
Or they could, and bare with me here, legitimately hate the ideology and motives a person holds. I hate Nazis. Is that some underlying subconscious feeling I'm not acknowledging? Or is it that I legitimately hate the ideals they hold about my people? Could I not feel the same way about leftist ideals? Couldn't I, with a full understanding of Socialist and Progressive values, hold them in such contempt that when I find someone who expresses those values, hold them in contempt as well?
Wrong again. When Rush said "I hope he fails" he was talking about Obama pushing his Progressive agenda on the country because he believed it would be disastrous for the country. He wasn't necessarily wrong.
Also not all conservatives, constitutionalist, libertarians, etc are Republicans (I assume you meant the party. When referring to the party you should use an upper case R. I would say that I'm a republican in that I believe that a republic as a system of government is best but I would never refer to myself as a Republican.) Also, what the fuck were they going to do to stop Obama? Srsly bro.
Yes and yes. Now here's a question for you. Why is it okay for liberals to go on and on about killing Bush and burn him in effigy and all the shit they pulled when he was president but when the other side offers any negative opinion about Obama at all it's not cool? I'm not defending Bush here at all. He was a fucking twat. What I'm saying is that you can't just define free speech as only what you agree with. Besides, you should be critical of all elected officials. Always. No politician, regardless of skin color or politics, should be above critique. When that happens you're on your way to tyranny and that's not a road we want to go on.
I just can't even begin to understand the hypocritical shit that goes on in liberal minds. First you say it's okay to disagree with him on politics and then you say the entire Republican party is just full of racists who only don't like him because of his color. Do you not understand that Progressivism and the ideals the Republican party is supposed to stand for (but usually doesn't) of conservatism are opposites? They don't mesh. So of course they're going to not what Progressive policy going through when that's the very thing they're being elected into office to stand against. This isn't rocket surgery. If it's you, me and another Jewish guy and you want cherry swirl ice cream and we want mint chocolate chip and in a vote we vote against you is it because you're black? Or is it because we think cherry swirl is shit?

11-05-2013, 03:43 PM
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Originally Posted by UnEtH
So as always, when I was debating politics with a black guy, we got to the topic of this fictional white man.
It got me thinking, comparing it to shit I know, and my revelation was this...
There is no inequality based on race. Race is irrelevant. What these 'minorities' are getting wrong is that they are mixing up racism with the class system. Instead of thinking "I live in a shit area because I'm black", why arent you thinking "I live in shit area cause I'm poor". "I can't get into college because I'm black" / "I can't get into college cause I'm poor".
The reason these people live in the "ghetto" isn't because they are black, it's because they are poor. Of any poor family, someone has to overcome. Someone needs to have determination to get into having money, and sadly, if you're one of these people, you're parents weren't that person. Most likely, your parents were stupid enough to have kids young, and while they were broke. Instead of dedicating their life to overcoming poverty and then being able to remove their family, black white or green, from the "ghetto", their focus diverted to keeping their child alive, thus derailing their hopes.
If your poor and blame the "white man", stfu, wear a johnny and don't fuck your future family over.
I agree that people living in the ghetto has more to do with their income level as opposed to what race they are because you find different people living in the ghetto: black, Mexican, white etc. The thing they mostly have in common is the fact that they are poor.
However, I disagree with the notion that there is no racial inequality. That couldn't be further from the truth, and as Dono said, you'd have to be delusional to seriously think that.
With that being said, racial inequality and racial prejudice IS a factor in why some people are poor, and some of those poor people (who happen to live in the ghetto) may extrapolate that to say racial inequality is the reason they live in the ghetto. Whether you agree with that conclusion or not, I don't think it should be too hard to understand why they would arrive at such a conclusion. If you look up the etymology of the word "ghetto" itself, it comes from a 17th century Italian word for a "part of a city to which Jews were restricted." The very word etymologically implies a place where people live based on race. If you see it more as a class issue rather than a race issue, that is understandable. However, to go to the extremity of negating race altogether in order to bolster the idea that it has to do with class is erroneous. It has to do with a little bit of both and other socio-economic factors.
While I do believe that race definitely plays a role in why some people are generally of lower income, I'm against blaming "the white man" or any other external factor. I am actually against blaming anything period. I think blame is a negative expression of the impulse to find a solution. While we seek blame, we're really aiming for a solution to what we face. I think solutions ultimately come when we look at OUR selves and change OUR actions as opposed to seeking to change somebody else.
Last edited by NOBLE; 11-05-2013 at 04:19 PM.
11-05-2013, 03:43 PM
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Originally Posted by UnEtH
So as always, when I was debating politics with a black guy, we got to the topic of this fictional white man.
It got me thinking, comparing it to shit I know, and my revelation was this...
There is no inequality based on race. Race is irrelevant. What these 'minorities' are getting wrong is that they are mixing up racism with the class system. Instead of thinking "I live in a shit area because I'm black", why arent you thinking "I live in shit area cause I'm poor". "I can't get into college because I'm black" / "I can't get into college cause I'm poor".
The reason these people live in the "ghetto" isn't because they are black, it's because they are poor. Of any poor family, someone has to overcome. Someone needs to have determination to get into having money, and sadly, if you're one of these people, you're parents weren't that person. Most likely, your parents were stupid enough to have kids young, and while they were broke. Instead of dedicating their life to overcoming poverty and then being able to remove their family, black white or green, from the "ghetto", their focus diverted to keeping their child alive, thus derailing their hopes.
If your poor and blame the "white man", stfu, wear a johnny and don't fuck your future family over.
I agree that people living in the ghetto has more to do with their income level as opposed to what race they are because you find different people living in the ghetto: black, Mexican, white etc. The thing they mostly have in common is the fact that they are poor.
However, I disagree with the notion that there is no racial inequality. That couldn't be further from the truth, and as Dono said, you'd have to be delusional to seriously think that.
With that being said, racial inequality and racial prejudice IS a factor in why some people are poor, and some of those poor people (who happen to live in the ghetto) may extrapolate that to say racial inequality is the reason they live in the ghetto. Whether you agree with that conclusion or not, I don't think it should be too hard to understand why they would arrive at such a conclusion. If you look up the etymology of the word "ghetto" itself, it comes from a 17th century Italian word for a "part of a city to which Jews were restricted." The very word etymologically implies a place where people live based on race. If you see it more as a class issue rather than a race issue, that is understandable. However, to go to the extremity of negating race altogether in order to bolster the idea that it has to do with class is erroneous. It has to do with a little bit of both and other socio-economic factors.
While I do believe that race definitely plays a role in why some people are generally of lower income, I'm against blaming "the white man" or any other external factor. I am actually against blaming anything period. I think blame is a negative expression of the impulse to find a solution. While we seek blame, we're really aiming for a solution to what we face. I think solutions ultimately come when we look at OUR selves and change OUR actions as opposed to seeking to change somebody else.
Last edited by NOBLE; 11-05-2013 at 04:19 PM.

11-05-2013, 05:22 PM
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minorities are typically the bulk of the people you find in the ghetto.. they were obviously oppressed in the past and it made it harder for them to build good lives for themselves and the problem is that poverty breeds crime and crime breeds poverty so its a vicious cycle..
i think its easy for someone who grew up in a decent way to look at the ghetto and think its easy to put yourself through school and get yourself out.. but think how hard is not to do the dumb shit your friends do sometimes ... imagine that on a much larger scale and you can have some idea of how hard it would be to be the one kid who stays away from gangs, drugs, and crime to make a life for himself.
its sad really .. people in ghettos almost have no chance at a good life
i remember reading this thing a while back where the government tried placing people in very low income areas into nice affluent areas to see if living away from the bad influences made a difference and it did . the problem is people in those neighbourhoods didnt want them in their areas so the program eventually ended

11-05-2013, 05:41 PM
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Originally Posted by M U G G Z
@ Mindless ... Thanks for your input.. Im sure you know that this debate could go on and on.. But instead of getting all rebuttal-ish, I actually like your point of view..
And yes.. Cherry Swirl does suck.. but if you represent millions of people, and they all voted and united to say that 'We Want Cherry Swirl', Don't let your personal opinion stop the people from getting the damn swirl. With that said, once you do give them the swirl, dont consider it as a personal failure, and then do all you can to make the swirl seem horrible.
Obama being the swirl.. He aint perfect.. never claimed to be.. but the taxpayers wanted him... we voted.. we won.. now that he's in office, it isnt wise to do all you can to shit on everything he touches.. even if it's a great bill.. idea.. etc.. it isnt wise to go against it just to spite him, not caring if it will damage the US... and shut down the Gov.. It's like spitting in a fan.. it always comes back in your face..
Dislike Obama?: Shit on any bill he tries to pass.. When it still passes.. Do all you can to 'defund' it... In process... the Gov shuts down.. People go without pay.. EXCEPT those who shut the Gov down.. let's not forget that they was exempt from all furloughs and got 100% of their paychecks.. while the people they claim they are fighting for is starving.. On top of that.. let's cut all Gov assisting programs.. and take a huge chop at unemployment RIGHT when it's needed most... yea that makes since... smh..
Please give me one example of a great bill Obama has passed. I'll shit on your sandwich if you say Obamacare because that turd is going to fuck over the poor more than you can even begin to imagine.
Also, all those people who were furloughed got the full back pay for when they weren't working.
Oh, and that cut to assistance you're talking about? It's $32 a month for people who are receiving $664 a month in assistance. I think they'll be okay. If not there's always private charity and getting a second job.
I hate to sound callous but I get so fired up at you fucking liberals and your G-d damned smug when you spout that partyline shit like "Well, you just don't know because you're a racist and a hillbilly and you want children to starve and old people to be sick because you don't love everything Obama does." when the fact is that faggots like you are doing nothing but contributing to the problems of this country by just going along with whatever your fucking party tells you about the other side. They aren't fucking working against him just to spite him you gigantic fucking moron they're working against him because his bullshit is going to drive this country even further down the shitter than it already is. And it has nothing to do with race. It has everything to do with statist progressivism walking us down the road into a fascist state. But you'd be okay with that right? Saying things that hurts people's feelings or questioning the president should be a crime or something so that everyone can just hold fucking hands and sing G-d damned kumby-fucking-ya while we starve to death.
QUESTION YOUR FUCKING LEADERS! Just being black and a democrat doesn't make Obama right. Look at the lies he's told. Look at the drone program he's continued that kills innocent women and children. Look at the continuation of the NDAA and Sedition. Look at Benghazi. Look at SOPA/PIPA. LOOK AT YOUR LEADERS. QUESTION THEM. STOP BLINDLY FOLLOWING THE PROGRESSIVE PARTYLINE AND THINK FOR YOUR G-DDAMNED SELF FOR ONCE!
11-05-2013, 05:41 PM
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Originally Posted by M U G G Z
@ Mindless ... Thanks for your input.. Im sure you know that this debate could go on and on.. But instead of getting all rebuttal-ish, I actually like your point of view..
And yes.. Cherry Swirl does suck.. but if you represent millions of people, and they all voted and united to say that 'We Want Cherry Swirl', Don't let your personal opinion stop the people from getting the damn swirl. With that said, once you do give them the swirl, dont consider it as a personal failure, and then do all you can to make the swirl seem horrible.
Obama being the swirl.. He aint perfect.. never claimed to be.. but the taxpayers wanted him... we voted.. we won.. now that he's in office, it isnt wise to do all you can to shit on everything he touches.. even if it's a great bill.. idea.. etc.. it isnt wise to go against it just to spite him, not caring if it will damage the US... and shut down the Gov.. It's like spitting in a fan.. it always comes back in your face..
Dislike Obama?: Shit on any bill he tries to pass.. When it still passes.. Do all you can to 'defund' it... In process... the Gov shuts down.. People go without pay.. EXCEPT those who shut the Gov down.. let's not forget that they was exempt from all furloughs and got 100% of their paychecks.. while the people they claim they are fighting for is starving.. On top of that.. let's cut all Gov assisting programs.. and take a huge chop at unemployment RIGHT when it's needed most... yea that makes since... smh..
Please give me one example of a great bill Obama has passed. I'll shit on your sandwich if you say Obamacare because that turd is going to fuck over the poor more than you can even begin to imagine.
Also, all those people who were furloughed got the full back pay for when they weren't working.
Oh, and that cut to assistance you're talking about? It's $32 a month for people who are receiving $664 a month in assistance. I think they'll be okay. If not there's always private charity and getting a second job.
I hate to sound callous but I get so fired up at you fucking liberals and your G-d damned smug when you spout that partyline shit like "Well, you just don't know because you're a racist and a hillbilly and you want children to starve and old people to be sick because you don't love everything Obama does." when the fact is that faggots like you are doing nothing but contributing to the problems of this country by just going along with whatever your fucking party tells you about the other side. They aren't fucking working against him just to spite him you gigantic fucking moron they're working against him because his bullshit is going to drive this country even further down the shitter than it already is. And it has nothing to do with race. It has everything to do with statist progressivism walking us down the road into a fascist state. But you'd be okay with that right? Saying things that hurts people's feelings or questioning the president should be a crime or something so that everyone can just hold fucking hands and sing G-d damned kumby-fucking-ya while we starve to death.
QUESTION YOUR FUCKING LEADERS! Just being black and a democrat doesn't make Obama right. Look at the lies he's told. Look at the drone program he's continued that kills innocent women and children. Look at the continuation of the NDAA and Sedition. Look at Benghazi. Look at SOPA/PIPA. LOOK AT YOUR LEADERS. QUESTION THEM. STOP BLINDLY FOLLOWING THE PROGRESSIVE PARTYLINE AND THINK FOR YOUR G-DDAMNED SELF FOR ONCE!

11-05-2013, 05:52 PM
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CONCLUSION -> CLASS and RACE are very intertwined, but often CLASS can determine socio-political treatment just as much as RACE… hence the existence and troubled lives of poor white people. Its called POWER STRUCTURES…. we all got em… daily.

11-05-2013, 06:20 PM
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*Grabs a dictionary*...
This is gonna be a long night...

11-05-2013, 06:29 PM
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In the words of Ace Ventura.. Well Allllriiighhhtyyy Then...
Ok.. Both parties have spoken.. I'll leave it like that... Back to hip hop!
P.S. Damn you for this thread @ UnEtH !! lol..
Originally Posted by Mindless
Please give me one example of a great bill Obama has passed. I'll shit on your sandwich if you say Obamacare because that turd is going to fuck over the poor more than you can even begin to imagine.
Also, all those people who were furloughed got the full back pay for when they weren't working.
Oh, and that cut to assistance you're talking about? It's $32 a month for people who are receiving $664 a month in assistance. I think they'll be okay. If not there's always private charity and getting a second job.
I hate to sound callous but I get so fired up at you fucking liberals and your G-d damned smug when you spout that partyline shit like "Well, you just don't know because you're a racist and a hillbilly and you want children to starve and old people to be sick because you don't love everything Obama does." when the fact is that faggots like you are doing nothing but contributing to the problems of this country by just going along with whatever your fucking party tells you about the other side. They aren't fucking working against him just to spite him you gigantic fucking moron they're working against him because his bullshit is going to drive this country even further down the shitter than it already is. And it has nothing to do with race. It has everything to do with statist progressivism walking us down the road into a fascist state. But you'd be okay with that right? Saying things that hurts people's feelings or questioning the president should be a crime or something so that everyone can just hold fucking hands and sing G-d damned kumby-fucking-ya while we starve to death.
QUESTION YOUR FUCKING LEADERS! Just being black and a democrat doesn't make Obama right. Look at the lies he's told. Look at the drone program he's continued that kills innocent women and children. Look at the continuation of the NDAA and Sedition. Look at Benghazi. Look at SOPA/PIPA. LOOK AT YOUR LEADERS. QUESTION THEM. STOP BLINDLY FOLLOWING THE PROGRESSIVE PARTYLINE AND THINK FOR YOUR G-DDAMNED SELF FOR ONCE!
11-05-2013, 06:29 PM
Social Media Manager LB Radio Host Live Battler
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In the words of Ace Ventura.. Well Allllriiighhhtyyy Then...
Ok.. Both parties have spoken.. I'll leave it like that... Back to hip hop!
P.S. Damn you for this thread @ UnEtH !! lol..
Originally Posted by Mindless
Please give me one example of a great bill Obama has passed. I'll shit on your sandwich if you say Obamacare because that turd is going to fuck over the poor more than you can even begin to imagine.
Also, all those people who were furloughed got the full back pay for when they weren't working.
Oh, and that cut to assistance you're talking about? It's $32 a month for people who are receiving $664 a month in assistance. I think they'll be okay. If not there's always private charity and getting a second job.
I hate to sound callous but I get so fired up at you fucking liberals and your G-d damned smug when you spout that partyline shit like "Well, you just don't know because you're a racist and a hillbilly and you want children to starve and old people to be sick because you don't love everything Obama does." when the fact is that faggots like you are doing nothing but contributing to the problems of this country by just going along with whatever your fucking party tells you about the other side. They aren't fucking working against him just to spite him you gigantic fucking moron they're working against him because his bullshit is going to drive this country even further down the shitter than it already is. And it has nothing to do with race. It has everything to do with statist progressivism walking us down the road into a fascist state. But you'd be okay with that right? Saying things that hurts people's feelings or questioning the president should be a crime or something so that everyone can just hold fucking hands and sing G-d damned kumby-fucking-ya while we starve to death.
QUESTION YOUR FUCKING LEADERS! Just being black and a democrat doesn't make Obama right. Look at the lies he's told. Look at the drone program he's continued that kills innocent women and children. Look at the continuation of the NDAA and Sedition. Look at Benghazi. Look at SOPA/PIPA. LOOK AT YOUR LEADERS. QUESTION THEM. STOP BLINDLY FOLLOWING THE PROGRESSIVE PARTYLINE AND THINK FOR YOUR G-DDAMNED SELF FOR ONCE!
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