Wait a gersh dern second… Most of RRR is potentially mentally fucked at all times… but that's not yalls business. I will be the first to admit that I would rather be retarded than as truly hateful, disrespectful, and socially inept as most of the people on this website.
I taught "retarded" students in one of the worst school systems in the USA… I'm talking lead paint brain damage and the whole gambit of autism, down syndrome, TBI, etc.
Honestly, what have any of you internet junkies done with your lives? @
skinEC~RRR~ !
AP47 , Sucks that you got the same treatment you generally dish out, but what did you expect? I went and listened to that battle and I would have personally voted for you, but SkinEC is entitled to his opinion.
Just C , I'm glad you finally switched your avatar to a .gif of me!
Furthermore, I know plenty of users who are making a worse name and atmosphere for the site than SkinEc ever potentially could.