Original Allboro vs Phil Banks
My pick for the hottest battle of the round. this is a tough call, but I think Phil might edge it.
Stotty Pimpin Vs Iimage
i think Stotty might take this one.
Mr Goodness Vs Uknodium
This will be interesting, but I see Grizz winning.
Murderous Swag Vs Oskar
Too close to call. Either way, it's AC's!
M-Rock Vs Final Word
I've only heard one battle from M-Rock that I recall. I've heard a couple from Final. I got Final edging this one.
WhitzVs Cloud Knight
Haven't really heard either one so I can't really say.
Ayo-reup Vs Freak Mc
I haven't heard any of Mind Fuck's latest battles, but judging from his old shit that I remember, I'll have to go with Freak MC
Relle Vs Stricc
This is going to be dope. From what I've heard from both of these cats, I think stricc got the upper hand.