I'm keeping it small for now in case we run into problems and need to change the coding or our server crashes or whatever.
Once we have like ~100 songs all working and running well then I'll open it up a little more to the public and start promoting it on Twitter, Facebook, ect.
Then once we make sure we REALLY have things on lock I'm gonna start pushing it super hard. Maybe buy some ad space on some places and whatnot.
I appreciate your enthusiasm though. It's coming. Soon. So soon.
In the meantime, if you know any artists that'd be interested in participating in our initial small launch, send em my way.
We'll probably throw an ad banner on the bottom of the player and maybe some shit in the sidebar of artist pages or something.
At some point there will probably be ads between X number of songs.
And I'm hoping to at some point give artists a way to sell their music through the site. But that's all far in the future.
I really don't know how much it'll make me, and it doesn't matter. Just trying to at least cover the server/development costs ect. The better it does the more effort I can put into it. And hopefully if it grows enough I can start getting back at the artists too.