This is how much I post on dumb forums really im to busy like now I'm on vacation in Toronto going to Raptors games rap concerts all that just went to a Jadakiss concert last night and gonna hit another basketball game lmao oh and banging a hot girl every night .....Benson what the fuck you do besides post bullshit Tracks on letabeef and comment on every forum your music is fucking garbage down to the name of the track and quality all you do in life is raise 6 ugly kids that probably aren't even yours cause when out on your plumbing job your Fat African bitch wife is fucking the drunk nigga next door lmfaooo you fat small penis Bastard fuck u
---------- Post added at 10:12 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:09 PM ----------
Oh nd ferno that last post months ago excludes you man I respect you doing yah army thing I've told you that many times respect G we been cool for ages I still am
---------- Post added at 10:17 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:12 PM ----------
Whoever has Benson as a friend on facebook please post some of his pics of himself copy them and post so we can clown his whole life why ain't you post pics up fat fuck go eat more tacos and potato chips I'm out keep your shit ass racist garbage music to yah self it gets no plays anywhere if you can get more play's and rates then my tracks then u can talk my tracks get 150-250 plays on letabeef real talk ask anyone
---------- Post added at 10:22 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:17 PM ----------
NUFF SAID now I'm out and you won't hear a reply back from me ever lmao cuz it's pointless arguing with a handicap rapper go to work stay off let's beef and pay your fat pig wife and kids