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Pseudo Nim vs Starwalker
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Pseudo Nim vs Starwalker
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Unread 08-12-2012, 03:20 PM
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Default Increasing your exposure through social media

In order to make it in the music industry, an artist or needs as much exposure as possible. In the past, the sources of exposure were very limited and extremely controlled. Media such as radio, television, newspapers, etc. restricted an artist or producer in many ways including the cost of being able to promote themselves on these methods of media. With the introduction of social media, an artist or producer now has many more options than before and can do more things for themselves as a whole.
The first thing that an artist or producer should do to increase their exposure through social media is creating a bio page. Image is everything when it comes to rapping over hot beats or rap beats, singing over smooth R & B beats or even producing instrumental beats as well. In this day and age, people want to know about who you are and what you are all about. By creating a bio page, you are letting people in to get to know you more on a personal level. The more comfortable they are, the more likely they are to buy one of your dope beats from you.
Next, an artist or producer should create some form of blog. The reason why they should do this coincides with the first reason. Not only are people interested in who you are, but they are also interested in knowing what you are talking about as well. People want to know your thoughts and your interests so a blog is the perfect way to accomplish both of those things.
In addition, creating an artist page or music page can have great benefits as well. The artist or producer can create a page in which customers can listen to samples of the artist or producers work in order to create some sort of buzz. These may be little snippets or perhaps even full length songs in order to reel the fan in and capture their interest.
Once you have this music page create, the next thing to do is create some sort of campaign once everything has been established. Once you have a steady flow of traffic, a campaign of some sort is the ideal way to increase that traffic. For the producer who is trying to sell their hot beats, this may involve some sort of sale on their beats. This will encourage up and coming artist out there to buy their professional beats online.
Finally for maximum exposure, a producer or artist should set up something that allows them to interact directly with their fans and customers. This may involve something like a twitter account or a YouTube live stream. The more that people can be engaged directly, the more comfortable they will feel with the artist or the producer. Something as simple sending out a message on twitter daily about a certain topic whether it’s related to music or not may be all it takes.
The more forms of exposure that an artist or producer has the better. Keep these simple things in mind and it will definitely help to increase your exposure in the industry.

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Unread 08-12-2012, 03:20 PM   #1
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Default Increasing your exposure through social media

In order to make it in the music industry, an artist or needs as much exposure as possible. In the past, the sources of exposure were very limited and extremely controlled. Media such as radio, television, newspapers, etc. restricted an artist or producer in many ways including the cost of being able to promote themselves on these methods of media. With the introduction of social media, an artist or producer now has many more options than before and can do more things for themselves as a whole.
The first thing that an artist or producer should do to increase their exposure through social media is creating a bio page. Image is everything when it comes to rapping over hot beats or rap beats, singing over smooth R & B beats or even producing instrumental beats as well. In this day and age, people want to know about who you are and what you are all about. By creating a bio page, you are letting people in to get to know you more on a personal level. The more comfortable they are, the more likely they are to buy one of your dope beats from you.
Next, an artist or producer should create some form of blog. The reason why they should do this coincides with the first reason. Not only are people interested in who you are, but they are also interested in knowing what you are talking about as well. People want to know your thoughts and your interests so a blog is the perfect way to accomplish both of those things.
In addition, creating an artist page or music page can have great benefits as well. The artist or producer can create a page in which customers can listen to samples of the artist or producers work in order to create some sort of buzz. These may be little snippets or perhaps even full length songs in order to reel the fan in and capture their interest.
Once you have this music page create, the next thing to do is create some sort of campaign once everything has been established. Once you have a steady flow of traffic, a campaign of some sort is the ideal way to increase that traffic. For the producer who is trying to sell their hot beats, this may involve some sort of sale on their beats. This will encourage up and coming artist out there to buy their professional beats online.
Finally for maximum exposure, a producer or artist should set up something that allows them to interact directly with their fans and customers. This may involve something like a twitter account or a YouTube live stream. The more that people can be engaged directly, the more comfortable they will feel with the artist or the producer. Something as simple sending out a message on twitter daily about a certain topic whether it’s related to music or not may be all it takes.
The more forms of exposure that an artist or producer has the better. Keep these simple things in mind and it will definitely help to increase your exposure in the industry.

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dope beats, hip hop beats, want beat

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