Theres a forgot your password link on the sign on page. Hit that and you will have to answer a question or two (birth date, security question, etc.). They will then send your password to the e-mail address you used for your PSN account... If the needing the birth date is a necessity then you might have to phone sony and they'll ask you questions that should be easy enough for you to answer and easy enough for them to believe its your account... @PheoNix
Theres a forgot your password link on the sign on page. Hit that and you will have to answer a question or two (birth date, security question, etc.). They will then send your password to the e-mail address you used for your PSN account... If the needing the birth date is a necessity then you might have to phone sony and they'll ask you questions that should be easy enough for you to answer and easy enough for them to believe its your account... @PheoNix
Aight thanks yo I'll try calling..I've already made a new account tho I don't care about the prestige shit alot and I'm getting mw3 soon so fuck black ops
Originally Posted by Streetz Da Hood
His face tho.... like u could tell that nigga was lookin at somethin serious.. that nigga prolly seen tana's career....
Aight thanks yo I'll try calling..I've already made a new account tho I don't care about the prestige shit alot and I'm getting mw3 soon so fuck black ops