ok is it just me or is it that everyone who votes on hazardous's battles gets a spot in his lame ass crew ? lets think about this judging by my private battle and miss fire's open battle with hazardous these things are plainly seen here's another one i've noticed and thats crew members leaving his crew just to vote for him so what is really going on here lol and more than likely he pm's for votes everyday i'm on this site i'm starting to see this gay ass bullshit now everyone is hazardous really that nice with da lyrics i say no but you be da judge he's garbage really what else can i say but one more thing hazardous waits 24 hours before posting his reply to me and when i logged off last night there were no votes on da battle between me and him but when i log in theres 7 votes and there all for him so i wonder if he was up all night pm'ing for votes i say he was plus he had his little buddies voting shit all people have to do is look at da times they've voted to figure this out wow something funny is going on here peep da link to see what i'm talking about...........................................