Originally Posted by Paperclip
Indica***** lol (This is why I should've called da nigga Bleu)
Real shit. Row got bodied clearly, but all of a sudden this nigga win from random niggas that don't know what a GC is votes?
I found it odd that Indonesia voted on that battle after being absent for MONTHS. You had to be begging niggas on IM. This shit is getting out of hand.
Someone gotta stop his madness. With him begging/purchasing votes via PayPal and western union, he'll be a 5x Grand Champion in no time.
Exactly what I think yo. Row spits a bunch of played out concepts and beats me by 80%. I'm getting 3s and 4s and shit lol ... and niggas bitch at me when I give them an 8. @
ILLiciT blocking me
Shit is a popularity contest ... nobody wants to vote against a red name