Student you're right, it is obvious. but it's just sad to me. I feel like this shit shouldn't be happening in 2015...especially not in America.
So what do they gain from this? or what do they want? it looks to me like they're building racial tension on purpose to divide people, and don't be surprised if they stir shit up between genders when Hilary starts running for pres
It'll be all 'you didnt vote for Hilary cuz she's a woman? you don't think Hilary can do ___ cuz she's a woman?' etc etc
I feel as if they put Obama in office to accelerate race related tension/politics. George Bush wouldn't be able to handle this police brutality / racism shit and he'd probably make himself look like an ass in the process
& yeah @
Axis Power that ebola shit was hella suspicious...for a few days it was a crazy threat, the most deadly disease out etc etc then it disappears with no further mention
but the REAL red flag was the sentencing/trying of the Boston bomber, Hernandez, and the Aurora theater shooter all within a 2 WEEK SPAN.
funny shit is, on WorldStar they had the video of Aaron Hernandez's sentencing and niggas all over the comments like 'so they got the boston bomber and Aaron Hernandez..what happened to that nigga who shot up the movie theater?'....several people were sayin that in the comment section
a week later, James Holmes, the Aurora shooter, 'magically' pops up in the news because they announced his trial or w/e