& best believe this move has everything to do with Ferguson, Eric Garner, and that kid in Cleveland. shit is hittin the fan...Jimmy Fallon w/ the honorable membership doe lol
on a more serious note
this police brutality/racism issue is a lose-lose for the people. they trained the National Guard to detain African Americans & I caught wind of this
BEFORE Michael Brown was even killed.
they did the good ol' reverse psychology and made us demand that cops wear cameras. they demanded it in Ferguson & NY now. sounds like a false pretext to national surveillance tbh. & it actually makes sense considering how the media is government owned. you could pretty much narrow down every TV channel on your cable to Time Warner/Viacom/Comcast or w/e..Comcast merged with Time Warner though I think. So the media selectively reports on purpose. they can report on anything but choose to glorify shit relating to the last major headline, hoping to create a trend that'll evoke a certain emotion out of people
its not conspiracy as much as its common sense