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  2020 Audio Spring Throwdown
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Pseudo Nim vs Starwalker
Style: Written
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Pseudo Nim vs Starwalker
Style: Written
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PeaceandLaug... vs BnasBnas is on FIRE! 10+ wins in a row!Bnas is on FIRE! 10+ wins in a row!
Style: Freestyle
1 Vote 4.75 stars4.75 stars4.75 stars4.75 stars4.75 stars
KDOTCARTER vs PeaceandLaug...
Style: Written
1 Vote 4.75 stars4.75 stars4.75 stars4.75 stars4.75 stars
FightsAndRap... vs PeaceandLaug...
Style: Freestyle
0 Votes No Rating YetNo Rating YetNo Rating YetNo Rating YetNo Rating Yet
KDOTCARTER vs Mizz AmmoMizz Ammo is on FIRE! 10+ wins in a row!Mizz Ammo is on FIRE! 10+ wins in a row!
Style: Freestyle
0 Votes No Rating YetNo Rating YetNo Rating YetNo Rating YetNo Rating Yet
Style: Written
2 Votes 2.625 stars2.625 stars2.625 stars2.625 stars2.625 stars
Style: Freestyle
1 Vote 2.5 stars2.5 stars2.5 stars2.5 stars2.5 stars
Occam vs FightsAndRap...
Style: Freestyle
2 Votes 3.125 stars3.125 stars3.125 stars3.125 stars3.125 stars
PeaceandLaug... vs BnasBnas is on FIRE! 10+ wins in a row!Bnas is on FIRE! 10+ wins in a row!
Style: Freestyle
0 Votes No Rating YetNo Rating YetNo Rating YetNo Rating YetNo Rating Yet
1mp4l3d vs mister jon f...
Style: Freestyle
1 Vote 1.25 stars1.25 stars1.25 stars1.25 stars1.25 stars
PeaceandLaug... vs BnasBnas is on FIRE! 10+ wins in a row!Bnas is on FIRE! 10+ wins in a row!
Style: Freestyle
2 Votes 2.875 stars2.875 stars2.875 stars2.875 stars2.875 stars
KDOTCARTER vs PeaceandLaug...
Style: Written
1 Vote 2.5 stars2.5 stars2.5 stars2.5 stars2.5 stars
KDOTCARTER vs PeaceandLaug...
Style: Written
0 Votes No Rating YetNo Rating YetNo Rating YetNo Rating YetNo Rating Yet
KDOTCARTER vs PeaceandLaug...
Style: Written
0 Votes No Rating YetNo Rating YetNo Rating YetNo Rating YetNo Rating Yet

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View Poll Results: would you like this to be a beat tourney or accapella
Beat 8 33.33%
accapella 16 66.67%
Voters: 24. You may not vote on this poll

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Unread 08-28-2014, 09:24 AM
OSKAR's Avatar
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Estimated Skill in Audio: 7.34/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 7.34/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 7.34/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 7.34/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 7.34/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 7.34/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 7.34/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 7.34/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 7.34/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 7.34/10 stars
Basic Audio Record
311 Points / 23 Won / 7 Lost
Exclusive Audio Record
0 Points / 0 Won / 1 Lost

Estimated Skill in Text: 7.34/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 7.34/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 7.34/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 7.34/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 7.34/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 7.34/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 6.89/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 6.89/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 6.89/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 6.89/10 stars
Basic Text Record
10 Points / 4 Won / 5 Lost
Exclusive Text Record
0 Points / 0 Won / 1 Lost

Acapella is always better imo when it comes to battles.

But a tourney on a beat wouldn't be so bad cause if i remember correctly it's been a while since we did this.


I will be getting my battles in next month and so should you!
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Unread 08-28-2014, 09:24 AM   #21
OSKAR's Avatar
Estimated Skill in Audio: 7.34/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 7.34/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 7.34/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 7.34/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 7.34/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 7.34/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 7.34/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 7.34/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 7.34/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 7.34/10 stars
Basic Audio Record
311 Points / 23 Won / 7 Lost
Exclusive Audio Record
0 Points / 0 Won / 1 Lost

Estimated Skill in Text: 7.34/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 7.34/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 7.34/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 7.34/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 7.34/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 7.34/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 6.89/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 6.89/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 6.89/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 6.89/10 stars
Basic Text Record
10 Points / 4 Won / 5 Lost
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0 Points / 0 Won / 1 Lost
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Acapella is always better imo when it comes to battles.

But a tourney on a beat wouldn't be so bad cause if i remember correctly it's been a while since we did this.


I will be getting my battles in next month and so should you!
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Unread 08-28-2014, 10:09 AM
Danger Rich's Avatar
Danger Rich Danger Rich is on FIRE! 10+ wins in a row!Danger Rich is on FIRE! 10+ wins in a row!
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Estimated Skill in Audio: 7.1/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 7.1/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 7.1/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 7.1/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 7.1/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 7.1/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 7.1/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 7.1/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 7.1/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 7.1/10 stars
Basic Audio Record
6352 Points / 414 Won / 63 Lost
Exclusive Audio Record
533 Points / 51 Won / 15 Lost

Estimated Skill in Text: 7.1/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 7.1/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 7.1/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 7.1/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 7.1/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 7.1/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 6.69/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 6.69/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 6.69/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 6.69/10 stars
Basic Text Record
1 Points / 4 Won / 2 Lost
Exclusive Text Record
15 Points / 4 Won / 4 Lost

Originally Posted by Bleu View Post
lmao niggas cant pull off big bars on beats cuz they suck?
Exactly...niggas have ZERO ability to be creative on a beat lol
Download The Mixtapes!

Danger Rich - Leaving No Doubt (2012)

Danger Rich - Before I Leave (2010)

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Unread 08-28-2014, 10:09 AM   #22
Danger Rich's Avatar
Danger Rich Danger Rich is on FIRE! 10+ wins in a row!Danger Rich is on FIRE! 10+ wins in a row!
Estimated Skill in Audio: 7.1/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 7.1/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 7.1/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 7.1/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 7.1/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 7.1/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 7.1/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 7.1/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 7.1/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 7.1/10 stars
Basic Audio Record
6352 Points / 414 Won / 63 Lost
Exclusive Audio Record
533 Points / 51 Won / 15 Lost

Estimated Skill in Text: 7.1/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 7.1/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 7.1/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 7.1/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 7.1/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 7.1/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 6.69/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 6.69/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 6.69/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 6.69/10 stars
Basic Text Record
1 Points / 4 Won / 2 Lost
Exclusive Text Record
15 Points / 4 Won / 4 Lost
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Originally Posted by Bleu View Post
lmao niggas cant pull off big bars on beats cuz they suck?
Exactly...niggas have ZERO ability to be creative on a beat lol
Download The Mixtapes!

Danger Rich - Leaving No Doubt (2012)

Danger Rich - Before I Leave (2010)

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Unread 08-28-2014, 11:08 AM
Lockhart's Avatar
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If we do wind up having a beat tournament, I would do it in the Basic Arena to ensure that the player won't mess up again. It would seem like the easiest way to do it while ensuring that the show still goes on. It would also bring some life back to the Basic Arena.

My $0.02
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Unread 08-28-2014, 11:08 AM   #23
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If we do wind up having a beat tournament, I would do it in the Basic Arena to ensure that the player won't mess up again. It would seem like the easiest way to do it while ensuring that the show still goes on. It would also bring some life back to the Basic Arena.

My $0.02
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Unread 08-28-2014, 03:04 PM
Danger Rich's Avatar
Danger Rich Danger Rich is on FIRE! 10+ wins in a row!Danger Rich is on FIRE! 10+ wins in a row!
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Estimated Skill in Audio: 7.1/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 7.1/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 7.1/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 7.1/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 7.1/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 7.1/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 7.1/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 7.1/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 7.1/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 7.1/10 stars
Basic Audio Record
6352 Points / 414 Won / 63 Lost
Exclusive Audio Record
533 Points / 51 Won / 15 Lost

Estimated Skill in Text: 7.1/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 7.1/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 7.1/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 7.1/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 7.1/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 7.1/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 6.69/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 6.69/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 6.69/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 6.69/10 stars
Basic Text Record
1 Points / 4 Won / 2 Lost
Exclusive Text Record
15 Points / 4 Won / 4 Lost

Custom Beat...
Download The Mixtapes!

Danger Rich - Leaving No Doubt (2012)

Danger Rich - Before I Leave (2010)

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Unread 08-28-2014, 03:04 PM   #24
Danger Rich's Avatar
Danger Rich Danger Rich is on FIRE! 10+ wins in a row!Danger Rich is on FIRE! 10+ wins in a row!
Estimated Skill in Audio: 7.1/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 7.1/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 7.1/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 7.1/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 7.1/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 7.1/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 7.1/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 7.1/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 7.1/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 7.1/10 stars
Basic Audio Record
6352 Points / 414 Won / 63 Lost
Exclusive Audio Record
533 Points / 51 Won / 15 Lost

Estimated Skill in Text: 7.1/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 7.1/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 7.1/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 7.1/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 7.1/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 7.1/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 6.69/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 6.69/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 6.69/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 6.69/10 stars
Basic Text Record
1 Points / 4 Won / 2 Lost
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15 Points / 4 Won / 4 Lost
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Custom Beat...
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Unread 08-28-2014, 07:46 PM
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Estimated Skill in Audio: 7.72/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 7.72/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 7.72/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 7.72/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 7.72/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 7.72/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 7.72/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 7.72/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 7.72/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 7.72/10 stars
Basic Audio Record
711 Points / 55 Won / 20 Lost
Exclusive Audio Record
0 Points / Won / Lost

Estimated Skill in Text: 7.72/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 7.72/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 7.72/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 7.72/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 7.72/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 7.72/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 7.72/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 7.73/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 7.73/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 7.73/10 stars
Basic Text Record
399 Points / 40 Won / 16 Lost
Exclusive Text Record
5 Points / 1 Won / 1 Lost

name 64 people that have a mic and are active and there mics can handle a beat and there voice because there using more then there laptop? go!
Originally Posted by BarzILLA View Post
I have a gay friend
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Unread 08-28-2014, 07:46 PM   #25
FiNAL WoRD's Avatar
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Estimated Skill in Audio: 7.72/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 7.72/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 7.72/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 7.72/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 7.72/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 7.72/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 7.72/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 7.72/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 7.72/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 7.72/10 stars
Basic Audio Record
711 Points / 55 Won / 20 Lost
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0 Points / Won / Lost

Estimated Skill in Text: 7.72/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 7.72/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 7.72/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 7.72/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 7.72/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 7.72/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 7.72/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 7.73/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 7.73/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 7.73/10 stars
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399 Points / 40 Won / 16 Lost
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name 64 people that have a mic and are active and there mics can handle a beat and there voice because there using more then there laptop? go!
Originally Posted by BarzILLA View Post
I have a gay friend
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Unread 08-28-2014, 08:02 PM
Danger Rich's Avatar
Danger Rich Danger Rich is on FIRE! 10+ wins in a row!Danger Rich is on FIRE! 10+ wins in a row!
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Estimated Skill in Audio: 7.1/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 7.1/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 7.1/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 7.1/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 7.1/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 7.1/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 7.1/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 7.1/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 7.1/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 7.1/10 stars
Basic Audio Record
6352 Points / 414 Won / 63 Lost
Exclusive Audio Record
533 Points / 51 Won / 15 Lost

Estimated Skill in Text: 7.1/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 7.1/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 7.1/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 7.1/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 7.1/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 7.1/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 6.69/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 6.69/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 6.69/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 6.69/10 stars
Basic Text Record
1 Points / 4 Won / 2 Lost
Exclusive Text Record
15 Points / 4 Won / 4 Lost

not all tournaments have had 64 people in it...
Download The Mixtapes!

Danger Rich - Leaving No Doubt (2012)

Danger Rich - Before I Leave (2010)

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Unread 08-28-2014, 08:02 PM   #26
Danger Rich's Avatar
Danger Rich Danger Rich is on FIRE! 10+ wins in a row!Danger Rich is on FIRE! 10+ wins in a row!
Estimated Skill in Audio: 7.1/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 7.1/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 7.1/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 7.1/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 7.1/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 7.1/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 7.1/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 7.1/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 7.1/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 7.1/10 stars
Basic Audio Record
6352 Points / 414 Won / 63 Lost
Exclusive Audio Record
533 Points / 51 Won / 15 Lost

Estimated Skill in Text: 7.1/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 7.1/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 7.1/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 7.1/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 7.1/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 7.1/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 6.69/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 6.69/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 6.69/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 6.69/10 stars
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1 Points / 4 Won / 2 Lost
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not all tournaments have had 64 people in it...
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Unread 08-28-2014, 08:40 PM
remarK's Avatar
remarK remarK is on FIRE! 10+ wins in a row!remarK is on FIRE! 10+ wins in a row!
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Estimated Skill in Audio: 8.56/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 8.56/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 8.56/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 8.56/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 8.56/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 8.56/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 8.56/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 8.56/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 8.56/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 8.56/10 stars
Basic Audio Record
302 Points / 28 Won / 14 Lost
Exclusive Audio Record
28 Points / 1 Won / 0 Lost

Estimated Skill in Text: 8.56/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 8.56/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 8.56/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 8.56/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 8.56/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 8.56/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 8.56/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 8.56/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 8.39/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 8.39/10 stars
Basic Text Record
2732 Points / 213 Won / 51 Lost
Exclusive Text Record
50 Points / 4 Won / 1 Lost

laptop mics on beats don't sound amazing, but they should be fine for a tournament... I entered a tourney a while back that was on a beat and it sounded fine.

Bow Down
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Unread 08-28-2014, 08:40 PM   #27
remarK's Avatar
remarK remarK is on FIRE! 10+ wins in a row!remarK is on FIRE! 10+ wins in a row!
Estimated Skill in Audio: 8.56/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 8.56/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 8.56/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 8.56/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 8.56/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 8.56/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 8.56/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 8.56/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 8.56/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 8.56/10 stars
Basic Audio Record
302 Points / 28 Won / 14 Lost
Exclusive Audio Record
28 Points / 1 Won / 0 Lost

Estimated Skill in Text: 8.56/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 8.56/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 8.56/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 8.56/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 8.56/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 8.56/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 8.56/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 8.56/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 8.39/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 8.39/10 stars
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50 Points / 4 Won / 1 Lost
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laptop mics on beats don't sound amazing, but they should be fine for a tournament... I entered a tourney a while back that was on a beat and it sounded fine.

Bow Down
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Unread 08-29-2014, 09:08 AM
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Estimated Skill in Audio: 8.26/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 8.26/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 8.26/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 8.26/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 8.26/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 8.26/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 8.26/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 8.26/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 8.26/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 8.26/10 stars
Basic Audio Record
1005 Points / 55 Won / 5 Lost
Estimated Skill in Text: 8.26/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 8.26/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 8.26/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 8.26/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 8.26/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 8.26/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 8.26/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 7.67/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 7.67/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 7.67/10 stars
Basic Text Record
302 Points / 22 Won / 5 Lost

I'll show & I prefer accapella
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Unread 08-29-2014, 09:08 AM   #28
Godbody's Avatar
Estimated Skill in Audio: 8.26/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 8.26/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 8.26/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 8.26/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 8.26/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 8.26/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 8.26/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 8.26/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 8.26/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 8.26/10 stars
Basic Audio Record
1005 Points / 55 Won / 5 Lost
Estimated Skill in Text: 8.26/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 8.26/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 8.26/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 8.26/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 8.26/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 8.26/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 8.26/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 7.67/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 7.67/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 7.67/10 stars
Basic Text Record
302 Points / 22 Won / 5 Lost
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I'll show & I prefer accapella
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Unread 09-12-2014, 07:22 PM
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Basic Audio Record
373 Points / 30 Won / 9 Lost
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0 Points / Won / Lost

Estimated Skill in Text: 7.84/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 7.84/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 7.84/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 7.84/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 7.84/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 7.84/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 6/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 6/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 6/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 6/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 6/10 stars
Basic Text Record
13 Points / 1 Won / 0 Lost
Exclusive Text Record
0 Points / Won / Lost

Custom beat battles. I do it all the time on a damn tablet. Start beat, press record and spit into built in mic. If that shit ain't easy then idk what is.
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Unread 09-12-2014, 07:22 PM   #29
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Custom beat battles. I do it all the time on a damn tablet. Start beat, press record and spit into built in mic. If that shit ain't easy then idk what is.
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Unread 09-13-2014, 12:04 AM
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Estimated Skill in Audio: 8.38/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 8.38/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 8.38/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 8.38/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 8.38/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 8.38/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 8.38/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 8.38/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 8.38/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 8.38/10 stars
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im still up in this
I am a Goon.

Goon Shrugging hoes, Daily.
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Unread 09-13-2014, 12:04 AM   #30
GRizzEAT's Avatar
Estimated Skill in Audio: 8.38/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 8.38/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 8.38/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 8.38/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 8.38/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 8.38/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 8.38/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 8.38/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 8.38/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 8.38/10 stars
Basic Audio Record
188 Points / 12 Won / 4 Lost
Estimated Skill in Text: 8.38/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 8.38/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 8.38/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 8.38/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 8.38/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 8.38/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 8.38/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 7.96/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 7.96/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 7.96/10 stars
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im still up in this
I am a Goon.

Goon Shrugging hoes, Daily.
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