I didn't post this in the Video section because (1) nobody goes there and (2) someone who hasn't video battled might be interested...............
A few of you know I started battling on rapbattles.com. They have a VBL that's active weekly. I'm new there but from what I seen they have 5-6 battles a week. Here we have our monthly matchups and sponsored events (don't think they have those). But if you're like me and want to battle more I say check that site out. (the site has active text & audio too)
The way the VBL works is similar to LB. You have to vote on battles, you have a W-L record and you battle your way to the top spot. In order to battle you have to check in the week prior, and if you get shit poppin up at the last minute or whatever you can check out at any time. So this week is Week 12, I checked in last week. And if I can't make week 13 i'll just check out in the Week 13 Check In/Out thread. Overall it's flexible so you can battle around your schedule, and if you miss a battle you can bounce back easy.
So yeah, check the shit out if you get a chance. When you register on the site make sure you copy the Random Question and paste it into the box below it cuz that part had me all fucked up. Ima hit them up and tell em to check out letsbeef too. Both VBLs could use more battles imo.
And if you're tagged its because I know you video battle or should get into it. You don't lose points for being ugly, cuz if that was the case half you mufuckas would be disqualified. So step outside that comfort zone...
So yeah, go check it out and tag anyone I left out
Lockhart @
Pugz @Rohaan Rane @
Duh Great Whyte @
M-Rock @
Wonderbred @
MrGoodness @
stricc @
GRizzEAT @
Phil Banks @
Crysis @
UhMAZING @Fiji-Osa @
Godbody @
Bleu @
BarzILLA @
Mob_Figure @
The Prince S @