"I was born great with fury in my eyes! God made me a CHAMPION!"
"The only way I will ever lose! Is if the decision is decided by fuckin faggots! Cause my opponent clearly sucked there dick off!"
"Nigga my shit cleaner then gods piss!"
"Red is a beast!..Yes I Am!"
"Fuck these nigga's, they can rimhole a retarded donkey!"
"She had the most biggest, roundest ass you would have ever seen. She was my Puerto Rican Princess!..And Thats how I became the most smoothest,coolest, baddest muthafuckin nigga on the face of this EARTH!..All niggas wanted to be me and all bitches wanted to be with me!..And them Honky Pigs!..They wanted to kill my black ass, them lil chalk face bitches!!!..Hahahhaa"..