Drake's that annoying type of nigga that just had to surface from his mother's sugarwalls.
Drake's the type of nigga that spit-wipes food stains off his homie's chin .
Drake's the type of nigga to take 2 left feet shoes from the shelves and buy them shits.
Drake's the type of nigga that tells bitches his apartment smells of rich mahogany.
Nuff said.
Phil Banks: lol @FreezyCT .... me an eth were cool before he got banned..... but this wasn't a troll.. i just don't do well with lame faggots givin me ultimatums... like when a lame trying to convince u, u the lame... nah man fuck em all i'mmmmm winning #arabswag #kaboom
Last edited by SoupErb; 09-02-2013 at 05:55 PM.