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Pseudo Nim vs Starwalker
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KDOTCARTER vs PeaceandLaug...
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FightsAndRap... vs PeaceandLaug...
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KDOTCARTER vs Mizz AmmoMizz Ammo is on FIRE! 10+ wins in a row!Mizz Ammo is on FIRE! 10+ wins in a row!
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Occam vs FightsAndRap...
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PeaceandLaug... vs BnasBnas is on FIRE! 10+ wins in a row!Bnas is on FIRE! 10+ wins in a row!
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1mp4l3d vs mister jon f...
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PeaceandLaug... vs BnasBnas is on FIRE! 10+ wins in a row!Bnas is on FIRE! 10+ wins in a row!
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KDOTCARTER vs PeaceandLaug...
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KDOTCARTER vs PeaceandLaug...
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Unread 07-12-2013, 05:08 PM
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Biblical Proof Jesus Had Dark Brown (black) Skin
Jesus was an Israelite from the tribe of Judah. The Israelites were brown skinned (black) people, I'll show you biblical proof. When the sons of Israel sold their youngest brother Joseph to Egyptians, they lost contact with him for many years,and assumed he was dead. Many years later when there was famine in their land, Israel sent his sons to Egypt to get food. When they got to Egypt ,they met no other than their long lost brother Joseph, Joseph was now a powerfull man in Egypt. Joseph recognized his brothers but they did not recognize him, because he looked just like any other ancient Egyptian (brown skinned), he even spoke to them in Egyptian through an interpretor, although he spoke hebrew, in order to not blow his cover at first.If Joseph, or his brothers were of pale(white) skin, there is no reason for Joseph to pretend to be an Egyptian, because his skin color would have given him away. Egypt is in Africa,and the ancient Egyptians were dark skinned people, untill European invasian. Where now there are many tan Egyptians (olive complexion).
Secondly...Moses was born an Israelite (dark brown skin), but grew up thinking he was an Egyptian(dark brown skin), if Moses and the Israelites were "white", Moses, never wud have thought he. Was Egyptian./#3rd, when Jesus was born, an angel told his parents to hide him in Egypt, to be safe from death per king Herod, if Jesus the baby Israelite was white, they wud have hid him in Rome, amongst other whites. The popular paintings of blue eyed Jesus is actually Cezar Borgia. There is no evidence or biblical proof that. Jesus had blonde hair and blue eyes. Revelations: his only physical description is hair of wool, and feet like fine brass,as if they were burned in a furnace.(black). Just food for thought, no hate please...mayberry style.
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Unread 07-12-2013, 05:08 PM   #41
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Biblical Proof Jesus Had Dark Brown (black) Skin
Jesus was an Israelite from the tribe of Judah. The Israelites were brown skinned (black) people, I'll show you biblical proof. When the sons of Israel sold their youngest brother Joseph to Egyptians, they lost contact with him for many years,and assumed he was dead. Many years later when there was famine in their land, Israel sent his sons to Egypt to get food. When they got to Egypt ,they met no other than their long lost brother Joseph, Joseph was now a powerfull man in Egypt. Joseph recognized his brothers but they did not recognize him, because he looked just like any other ancient Egyptian (brown skinned), he even spoke to them in Egyptian through an interpretor, although he spoke hebrew, in order to not blow his cover at first.If Joseph, or his brothers were of pale(white) skin, there is no reason for Joseph to pretend to be an Egyptian, because his skin color would have given him away. Egypt is in Africa,and the ancient Egyptians were dark skinned people, untill European invasian. Where now there are many tan Egyptians (olive complexion).
Secondly...Moses was born an Israelite (dark brown skin), but grew up thinking he was an Egyptian(dark brown skin), if Moses and the Israelites were "white", Moses, never wud have thought he. Was Egyptian./#3rd, when Jesus was born, an angel told his parents to hide him in Egypt, to be safe from death per king Herod, if Jesus the baby Israelite was white, they wud have hid him in Rome, amongst other whites. The popular paintings of blue eyed Jesus is actually Cezar Borgia. There is no evidence or biblical proof that. Jesus had blonde hair and blue eyes. Revelations: his only physical description is hair of wool, and feet like fine brass,as if they were burned in a furnace.(black). Just food for thought, no hate please...mayberry style.
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Unread 07-12-2013, 05:11 PM
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That's weird, no one in the world has ever proved that Jesus existed, yet you can prove that Jesus is black?
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Unread 07-12-2013, 05:11 PM   #42
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That's weird, no one in the world has ever proved that Jesus existed, yet you can prove that Jesus is black?
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Unread 07-12-2013, 05:12 PM
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And as for the president "running the u.s.a", its really the Elites and World Bankers....
It's about power brokers and their serfdom.... When you get the blinders off and realize that the upper echelon, Right, Left, whatever, isn't out for your best interests...Let me know...
NPSD 51 "...President Bush has signed a directive granting extraordinary powers to the office of the president in the event of a declared national emergency, apparently without congressional approval or oversight...
It was issued with the dual designation of NSPD-51, as a National Security Presidential Directive, and HSPD-20, as a Homeland Security Presidential Directive.

The directive establishes under the office of the president a new national continuity coordinator whose job is to make plans for "National Essential Functions" of all federal, state, local, territorial and tribal governments, as well as private sector organizations to continue functioning under the president's directives in the event of a national emergency.

"Catastrophic emergency" is loosely defined as "any incident, regardless of location, that results in extraordinary levels of mass casualties, damage, or disruption severely affecting the U.S. population, infrastructure, environment, economy, or government functions."
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Unread 07-12-2013, 05:12 PM   #43
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And as for the president "running the u.s.a", its really the Elites and World Bankers....
It's about power brokers and their serfdom.... When you get the blinders off and realize that the upper echelon, Right, Left, whatever, isn't out for your best interests...Let me know...
NPSD 51 "...President Bush has signed a directive granting extraordinary powers to the office of the president in the event of a declared national emergency, apparently without congressional approval or oversight...
It was issued with the dual designation of NSPD-51, as a National Security Presidential Directive, and HSPD-20, as a Homeland Security Presidential Directive.

The directive establishes under the office of the president a new national continuity coordinator whose job is to make plans for "National Essential Functions" of all federal, state, local, territorial and tribal governments, as well as private sector organizations to continue functioning under the president's directives in the event of a national emergency.

"Catastrophic emergency" is loosely defined as "any incident, regardless of location, that results in extraordinary levels of mass casualties, damage, or disruption severely affecting the U.S. population, infrastructure, environment, economy, or government functions."
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Unread 07-12-2013, 05:25 PM
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Unread 07-12-2013, 05:25 PM   #44
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Unread 07-12-2013, 05:38 PM
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Originally Posted by EtH View Post
That's weird, no one in the world has ever proved that Jesus existed, yet you can prove that Jesus is black?
I didn't write the bible but many people come to believe it's real. Jesus was a title but the person they drew him as real name was Cesare Borgia.
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Unread 07-12-2013, 05:38 PM   #45
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Originally Posted by EtH View Post
That's weird, no one in the world has ever proved that Jesus existed, yet you can prove that Jesus is black?
I didn't write the bible but many people come to believe it's real. Jesus was a title but the person they drew him as real name was Cesare Borgia.
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Unread 07-12-2013, 05:42 PM
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Eth did you just make that meme lol
Your gonna carry that weight
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Unread 07-12-2013, 05:42 PM   #46
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Eth did you just make that meme lol
Your gonna carry that weight
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Unread 07-12-2013, 05:50 PM
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I dont even see why black people come together when a white kills a black.. Or why its always turned into a race thing.. They need to come together and come up with a plan on how to teach some of these people how to raise their kids right and show them racism only exist because of their actions.. Do you think your everyday white man is gonna hate the black dude thats a doctor or the black dude that just tagged up his garage with gang shit?? There are still plenty of racist white people out there as well..

I've met probably like 50 racist white people over the years and most of them are only racist because many black people have treated them like shit so its not because they were born that way but just cuz they cant catch a break from black people.. Now racist black people i've met over the years, thats well into the hundreds and what for?? I've heard blacks hate whites cuz whites have better jobs.. Well then blacks need to put more effort into their job searches and also go to college.. I've heard blacks are still bitter over the slave days.. Well then where was all this hostility back then and even better whites arent beating blacks with whips or doing whatever else they were doing back then so why take it out on innocent whites?? I've heard black people crying about how their are so many of them in jail.. Come on now, really?? Its not the white man sending blacks to jail, its black people's actions..

I can go on for days about the shit I've heard come out of black peoples mouths over the years but its still not gonna answer my question which is why do a lot of black people turn a lot of shit into a race thing?? When i was in juvenile prison i watched the blacks basically starve most of these pussy ass white boys which pissed me off.. Why werent the blacks targeting other blacks?? Why did they go after whites?? Why did i have to beat up black people to show them that they cant have my food?? Shit why was i one of the only white people fighting in one of the facilities i was in lol?? My homie DeeWee use to take food from all the white kids he could that this motherfucker was actually giving me food to eat as well until one day after breakfast, lunch or dinner one white boy waited for him to walk onto the unit and right when DeeWee stepped foot into the unit this white dude punched him in his shit then continued to beat the fuck outta him.. This dude DeeWee had his tooth sticking out of his cheek and after this happened this motherfucker started going to church and bible study and even stopped taken the white people food lol.. And no noble this doesnt pertain to all black people just the ignorant ones... Shit I've met way more civilized black people on letsbeef then i have around here..
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Unread 07-12-2013, 05:50 PM   #47
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I dont even see why black people come together when a white kills a black.. Or why its always turned into a race thing.. They need to come together and come up with a plan on how to teach some of these people how to raise their kids right and show them racism only exist because of their actions.. Do you think your everyday white man is gonna hate the black dude thats a doctor or the black dude that just tagged up his garage with gang shit?? There are still plenty of racist white people out there as well..

I've met probably like 50 racist white people over the years and most of them are only racist because many black people have treated them like shit so its not because they were born that way but just cuz they cant catch a break from black people.. Now racist black people i've met over the years, thats well into the hundreds and what for?? I've heard blacks hate whites cuz whites have better jobs.. Well then blacks need to put more effort into their job searches and also go to college.. I've heard blacks are still bitter over the slave days.. Well then where was all this hostility back then and even better whites arent beating blacks with whips or doing whatever else they were doing back then so why take it out on innocent whites?? I've heard black people crying about how their are so many of them in jail.. Come on now, really?? Its not the white man sending blacks to jail, its black people's actions..

I can go on for days about the shit I've heard come out of black peoples mouths over the years but its still not gonna answer my question which is why do a lot of black people turn a lot of shit into a race thing?? When i was in juvenile prison i watched the blacks basically starve most of these pussy ass white boys which pissed me off.. Why werent the blacks targeting other blacks?? Why did they go after whites?? Why did i have to beat up black people to show them that they cant have my food?? Shit why was i one of the only white people fighting in one of the facilities i was in lol?? My homie DeeWee use to take food from all the white kids he could that this motherfucker was actually giving me food to eat as well until one day after breakfast, lunch or dinner one white boy waited for him to walk onto the unit and right when DeeWee stepped foot into the unit this white dude punched him in his shit then continued to beat the fuck outta him.. This dude DeeWee had his tooth sticking out of his cheek and after this happened this motherfucker started going to church and bible study and even stopped taken the white people food lol.. And no noble this doesnt pertain to all black people just the ignorant ones... Shit I've met way more civilized black people on letsbeef then i have around here..
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Unread 07-12-2013, 05:56 PM
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Originally Posted by Phenomonon View Post
I dont even see why black people come together when a white kills a black.. Or why its always turned into a race thing.. They need to come together and come up with a plan on how to teach some of these people how to raise their kids right and show them racism only exist because of their actions.. Do you think your everyday white man is gonna hate the black dude thats a doctor or the black dude that just tagged up his garage with gang shit?? There are still plenty of racist white people out there as well..

I've met probably like 50 racist white people over the years and most of them are only racist because many black people have treated them like shit so its not because they were born that way but just cuz they cant catch a break from black people.. Now racist black people i've met over the years, thats well into the hundreds and what for?? I've heard blacks hate whites cuz whites have better jobs.. Well then blacks need to put more effort into their job searches and also go to college.. I've heard blacks are still bitter over the slave days.. Well then where was all this hostility back then and even better whites arent beating blacks with whips or doing whatever else they were doing back then so why take it out on innocent whites?? I've heard black people crying about how their are so many of them in jail.. Come on now, really?? Its not the white man sending blacks to jail, its black people's actions..

I can go on for days about the shit I've heard come out of black peoples mouths over the years but its still not gonna answer my question which is why do a lot of black people turn a lot of shit into a race thing?? When i was in juvenile prison i watched the blacks basically starve most of these pussy ass white boys which pissed me off.. Why werent the blacks targeting other blacks?? Why did they go after whites?? Why did i have to beat up black people to show them that they cant have my food?? Shit why was i one of the only white people fighting in one of the facilities i was in lol?? My homie DeeWee use to take food from all the white kids he could that this motherfucker was actually giving me food to eat as well until one day after breakfast, lunch or dinner one white boy waited for him to walk onto the unit and right when DeeWee stepped foot into the unit this white dude punched him in his shit then continued to beat the fuck outta him.. This dude DeeWee had his tooth sticking out of his cheek and after this happened this motherfucker started going to church and bible study and even stopped taken the white people food lol.. And no noble this doesnt pertain to all black people just the ignorant ones... Shit I've met way more civilized black people on letsbeef then i have around here..
I agree with everything thats said here, But it's a people thing, If blacks had enslaved whites.... Whites would be feeling the same way. Almost every race has at some point been enslaved, and there usually tends to be ties of bitterness between the Slaver and the enslaved
Your gonna carry that weight
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Unread 07-12-2013, 05:56 PM   #48
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Originally Posted by Phenomonon View Post
I dont even see why black people come together when a white kills a black.. Or why its always turned into a race thing.. They need to come together and come up with a plan on how to teach some of these people how to raise their kids right and show them racism only exist because of their actions.. Do you think your everyday white man is gonna hate the black dude thats a doctor or the black dude that just tagged up his garage with gang shit?? There are still plenty of racist white people out there as well..

I've met probably like 50 racist white people over the years and most of them are only racist because many black people have treated them like shit so its not because they were born that way but just cuz they cant catch a break from black people.. Now racist black people i've met over the years, thats well into the hundreds and what for?? I've heard blacks hate whites cuz whites have better jobs.. Well then blacks need to put more effort into their job searches and also go to college.. I've heard blacks are still bitter over the slave days.. Well then where was all this hostility back then and even better whites arent beating blacks with whips or doing whatever else they were doing back then so why take it out on innocent whites?? I've heard black people crying about how their are so many of them in jail.. Come on now, really?? Its not the white man sending blacks to jail, its black people's actions..

I can go on for days about the shit I've heard come out of black peoples mouths over the years but its still not gonna answer my question which is why do a lot of black people turn a lot of shit into a race thing?? When i was in juvenile prison i watched the blacks basically starve most of these pussy ass white boys which pissed me off.. Why werent the blacks targeting other blacks?? Why did they go after whites?? Why did i have to beat up black people to show them that they cant have my food?? Shit why was i one of the only white people fighting in one of the facilities i was in lol?? My homie DeeWee use to take food from all the white kids he could that this motherfucker was actually giving me food to eat as well until one day after breakfast, lunch or dinner one white boy waited for him to walk onto the unit and right when DeeWee stepped foot into the unit this white dude punched him in his shit then continued to beat the fuck outta him.. This dude DeeWee had his tooth sticking out of his cheek and after this happened this motherfucker started going to church and bible study and even stopped taken the white people food lol.. And no noble this doesnt pertain to all black people just the ignorant ones... Shit I've met way more civilized black people on letsbeef then i have around here..
I agree with everything thats said here, But it's a people thing, If blacks had enslaved whites.... Whites would be feeling the same way. Almost every race has at some point been enslaved, and there usually tends to be ties of bitterness between the Slaver and the enslaved
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Unread 07-12-2013, 06:05 PM
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DeeWee is that nigga.
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Unread 07-12-2013, 06:05 PM   #49
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DeeWee is that nigga.
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Unread 07-12-2013, 06:13 PM
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You have to put yourself in a black teen/young youth perspective. Knowing you can get killed for walking threw a neighborhood nowadays. The 911 dispatcher told the Zimmerman guy to turn around 9 times, Instead the wanna be cop insisted that he should continue to follow him.. So picture yourself as Trayvon Martin & there's a black guy following you.. How would you feel?, that's the 1st question. 2nd question is if the victim was white, would he have still been followed.. No ok, soooo he followed him because of stereotype's that young black males are dangerous. It's a million of them to say the least.. Honestly we're suppose to be over racism but events like these keep popping up reminding us that we're still not.. Even though its not right, some people decide to follow in there ancestors foot steps & continue to be racist. They don't show the good stuff black people do on the news so when y'all look at a black, y'all automatically thinking criminal.. Smh
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Unread 07-12-2013, 06:13 PM   #50
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You have to put yourself in a black teen/young youth perspective. Knowing you can get killed for walking threw a neighborhood nowadays. The 911 dispatcher told the Zimmerman guy to turn around 9 times, Instead the wanna be cop insisted that he should continue to follow him.. So picture yourself as Trayvon Martin & there's a black guy following you.. How would you feel?, that's the 1st question. 2nd question is if the victim was white, would he have still been followed.. No ok, soooo he followed him because of stereotype's that young black males are dangerous. It's a million of them to say the least.. Honestly we're suppose to be over racism but events like these keep popping up reminding us that we're still not.. Even though its not right, some people decide to follow in there ancestors foot steps & continue to be racist. They don't show the good stuff black people do on the news so when y'all look at a black, y'all automatically thinking criminal.. Smh
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