Originally Posted by Mindless
This is what I'm talking about. You don't get it. The right to bare arms IS a human right. The other things are not. You're creating a false equivalency between owning a gun and rape and slavery because you've been conditioned your entire life to believe those things are equal. They aren't even close. Human freedom and rights would deny you to own or rape another person because you're denying them their rights. Human beings have the right to protect themselves from other humans and the state with guns as long as that use of force is equal to or less than the level of force they are threatened with. Meaning that their lives and or liberty must be in immediate and imminent jeopardy.
Where was the worst school shooting of all time? Where was the worst mass shooting of all time with the most killed? I'll give you a hint. Neither was in America.
But it's not a human right. It's ONLY a human right in the stupid American constitution. No one else is saying "Yeah, let's all have tools designed ONLY for murder".
So you believe having heroin is a human right? You're not denying anyone else their human rights by having heroin. You're conditioned to believe we all SHOULD have guns, which is ridiculous because as previously mentioned, take guns out of EVERY situation we're talking about and it doesn't end in someone getting killed. Most likely with someone getting battered or pepper sprayed or something.
Putting guns in the hands of fucking nutjobs results in the nutjobs using their guns.
Putting guns in the hands of power abusing authority figures results in the powerr abusing authority figures using their guns.
Putting guns in the hands of children (who aren't even legal to buy alcohol yet in America) results in children using their guns.
You can't say "it's fine cause lots of other people are safe with guns". That's like saying "We shouldn't check more known religious extremists at the airport because more have not hiijacked a plane than have".