it doesn't support a government conspiracy. it exposes one. a cover up.
notice how the CISPA bill was passed by senate a few days after the April 19th or some shit, in the midst of all this chaos, where you & I both know it wouldnt get media coverage because it was overshadowed by the story of the bomber
Like I said earlier. selective coverage means selective information
I wonder how many of ya'll were even aware of CISPA before I brought it to your attention? probably 0. why should you care? Because it basically allows the government into your life by breaching your privacy without a warrant.
Its like someone kicking your door down, taking what they want, and leaving. i'd feel violated.
& lol @
Jason not seeing how CISPA is connected to the bombing. You obviously rely on me for your news and dont do any research of your own
if you were watching the news you would know on the first 1-2 days of the bombing they kept using the term IED (Improvised Explosive Device) and kept saying you could make this by looking it up on the internet
lawmakers also cited the boston bombing as a reason to pass CISPA. I predicted they would re-introduce CISPA through a tweet, days prior to the bill being passed in the House. You niggas should be kissing the tip of my dick and asking for knowledge instead of refuting everything i tell you
Damn son. Niggas need a new brain or something huh