Originally Posted by pULSe
Sorry to inform you Dave...but the Kinect will come with the new Xbox out of the box B
Nobodys buying it specifically for the Kinect but if the new Xbox has a Blu-Ray and that was the deal breaker on the 360.... and the reason so many people opted for a PS3
what'll be the stand out feature now? you know, one that'll make it a deal breaker for buying the new Xbox?
Plus they're charging for playing online now...most of PS4's best features will be "premium" features similar to Xbox Live
so before it was "PS3 has a Blu-Ray and online is free"
whats it gonna be now? I think Sony might take an L with this console
unless the new Xbox is shitty and unstable
Kinect is for fat people to do Zumba anyways.
To me, Blu-Ray was shit. Oh, this runs HD DVDs? Who the fuck cares? I don't have a bazillion inch TV so it doesnt effect me anyways. If I want to watch a DVD Ill get a DVD player. Can I get PS3 for cheaper without Blu Ray?
Online internet is bullshit though. I literally probably wouldnt get an Xbox at all because of paying online, even if PS3 didnt exist. PS3's "Plug in and go" shit was a huge reason I thought it'd be better (plus MGS 4!).
Fuck it, who cares anyways? The only difference between them apparently is how good online is. If you have to pay for PS3 online, then it'll be just as good as Xbox is. There are fuck all exclusive games anyways (but all Xbox ones take place in gay space).
I'll be sticking to PS because I'd feel like a traitor opting out

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