Originally Posted by The Wizard Of Barz
isnt calling a 'folk' gang member a 'donut' the equivalent of calling a 'crip' a crab or a 'blood' a slob?
This dude @ UhMAZING is just talkin out his ass... And good way to get out of sendin me bars.. your fuckin shookk.. Aint No Such Thang As Halfway Crook!!
"While I'm watchin every nigga watching me closely,
my shit is butter for tha bread they wanna toast me
I keep my head, both of them where they suppose to be.." #CanILive
"I Strike Down Upon Thee With Great Vengenance & Furious Anger For Those Who Attempt To Poison & Destroy My Brothers, AND YOU WILL KNOW MY NAME IS THA LORD!!" #PulpFiction
*~Tha Dope Man~*