
04-24-2013, 01:39 AM
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Pretty much what Jason's saying. With big things like this, it'd take months of planning. 9/11, Boston Bombing, Sandy Hook, it's all over the place, and all too amateur for the rulers of the world to be messing up with. Planting bombs in a tower and claiming a plane took it down, getting caught with a bag on a televised event so blaming two randomers, whatever the Sandy Hook shit is. It's all just too stupid for the leaders to be controlling.
What I love, is that if the Illuminati's real and by having their name spread, they gain power...isn't guys like Pulse doing their bidding? Are WE the one's being mind controlled, or is the guy helping them become notorious the real puppet?
04-24-2013, 01:39 AM
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Pretty much what Jason's saying. With big things like this, it'd take months of planning. 9/11, Boston Bombing, Sandy Hook, it's all over the place, and all too amateur for the rulers of the world to be messing up with. Planting bombs in a tower and claiming a plane took it down, getting caught with a bag on a televised event so blaming two randomers, whatever the Sandy Hook shit is. It's all just too stupid for the leaders to be controlling.
What I love, is that if the Illuminati's real and by having their name spread, they gain power...isn't guys like Pulse doing their bidding? Are WE the one's being mind controlled, or is the guy helping them become notorious the real puppet?

04-24-2013, 12:10 PM
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go back 4 pages and pulse is nowhere to be found
04-24-2013, 12:10 PM
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go back 4 pages and pulse is nowhere to be found

04-24-2013, 01:32 PM
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Originally Posted by Jason
im sorry to hear that .. while im sure everyone agrees that its morally wrong its not exactly on the same level as the sort of conspiracies im talking about
boston marathon, 9/11, sandy hook ... etc
i dunno bro, if it was possible to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that our own government was responsible for these attacks then every single building in America would be on fire from the uproar it would cause. there are much smarter people in the world than pulse who investigate these matters and no one has been able to prove and i mean prove that these events were inside jobs. if anyone successfully proved it then america would collapse overnight. people simply wouldnt stand for it, it would be a revolution like the world has never seen .. even if the hunches people have are right and these events are orchestrated by the government .. youre still guessing .. if it WASNT a guessing game and it could be factually proven .. this nation would have been a smouldering heap of metal years and years ago.
it sucks bro .. theres so much evil in the world as it is .... its sad that people need to try to find all the angles to try to prove your own people were responsible for the destruction of your countrymen. i personally have yet to see someone prove it was the government and so does the rest of the world, and until i see something concrete and factual that proves that it was them .. i prefer to believe that my own leaders wouldnt do this ... you can call that ignorant if you want .. but all the people crying false flag .. you have even less reason to believe it was the government than the rest of us have to believe that it wasnt.. so we arent the ones that are brainwashed
Oh nah I wasn't trying to compare the Thatcher Funeral/Benefits cuts to these bombings (If they were Gov orchestrated) you can't compare them. I agree. I was just saying that these people at the end of the day don't have our best intrests at heart (for the most part) and are capable of doing things that leave the public feeling screwed over, and with reason.
For the bombings to be Gov orchestrated is on a completely different level. different planet even galaxy. I get that. But I'm sure you'll agree that their are leaders in different country's all over the world who do some really REALLY screwed up shit to their people.Tyrants like Robert Mugabe ect. So just because they are in a position of power doesn't mean they wouldn't think of trying some really shady shit. But again I'm not saying they are involved. I'm just saying it isn't beyond the realms of possibility.
Originally Posted by Godbody
I'm part German myself.
Fuck off, I got work to do.
04-24-2013, 01:32 PM
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Originally Posted by Jason
im sorry to hear that .. while im sure everyone agrees that its morally wrong its not exactly on the same level as the sort of conspiracies im talking about
boston marathon, 9/11, sandy hook ... etc
i dunno bro, if it was possible to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that our own government was responsible for these attacks then every single building in America would be on fire from the uproar it would cause. there are much smarter people in the world than pulse who investigate these matters and no one has been able to prove and i mean prove that these events were inside jobs. if anyone successfully proved it then america would collapse overnight. people simply wouldnt stand for it, it would be a revolution like the world has never seen .. even if the hunches people have are right and these events are orchestrated by the government .. youre still guessing .. if it WASNT a guessing game and it could be factually proven .. this nation would have been a smouldering heap of metal years and years ago.
it sucks bro .. theres so much evil in the world as it is .... its sad that people need to try to find all the angles to try to prove your own people were responsible for the destruction of your countrymen. i personally have yet to see someone prove it was the government and so does the rest of the world, and until i see something concrete and factual that proves that it was them .. i prefer to believe that my own leaders wouldnt do this ... you can call that ignorant if you want .. but all the people crying false flag .. you have even less reason to believe it was the government than the rest of us have to believe that it wasnt.. so we arent the ones that are brainwashed
Oh nah I wasn't trying to compare the Thatcher Funeral/Benefits cuts to these bombings (If they were Gov orchestrated) you can't compare them. I agree. I was just saying that these people at the end of the day don't have our best intrests at heart (for the most part) and are capable of doing things that leave the public feeling screwed over, and with reason.
For the bombings to be Gov orchestrated is on a completely different level. different planet even galaxy. I get that. But I'm sure you'll agree that their are leaders in different country's all over the world who do some really REALLY screwed up shit to their people.Tyrants like Robert Mugabe ect. So just because they are in a position of power doesn't mean they wouldn't think of trying some really shady shit. But again I'm not saying they are involved. I'm just saying it isn't beyond the realms of possibility.
Originally Posted by Godbody
I'm part German myself.
Fuck off, I got work to do.

04-24-2013, 03:13 PM
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@ Mr-Felon @ Eyeku here you go
That's the MAIN navy seals logo, there's individual teams within.

04-24-2013, 03:23 PM
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lol @ go back 4 pages and pULSe is nowhere to be found...lemme make this clear..I'm not saying it WASN'T these 2 Russian kids for a fact...but I'm saying there's some kind of cover up going on for a FACT
@ Jason you wanna argue about these inconsistencies that shouldn't be there if this was a "conspriacy theory" and the world powers were behind it...well there's inconsistencies in a lot of stories. 9/11 at the forefront of them all, as you, I, and anyone else with common sense would tell you there's more than meets the eye
I challenge anyone on this forum to find video evidence or any concrete evidence at all of a plane hitting the Pentagon. There isn't any. Just metal lying around and what seems to be an explosion with absolutely 0 videos or images to depict what hit the Pentagon
moving onto this recent Boston bombing...Does anyone care to explain what this Saudi national has to do with it? Why isn't this getting media attention besides what the voices of the internet are saying? yet this kid had an 'event' file based on him, meaning he's pretty dangerous & he's getting deported back to Saudi Arabia...in the midst of a bombing that he had nothing to do with?
I was listening to the radio today and people in Russian government warned the FBI about the older brother being a threat. the U.S. didn't take action and they said the FBI was building an investigation or some bullshit on these brothers
if you're the FBI and you're getting paid a hefty salary to do an almost "stealth-like" job..would it be a reach to say the FBI was monitoring the older brother's behavior and was waiting for him to act out on it so the House could pass the CISPA bill and they could distract us to deport some Saudi Arabian kid who's supposedly a threat and being deported for "national security" reasons?
For those that don't know what CISPA is...its a bill that basically allows the government to access any information you put online in agreement with companies/websites. What would otherwise take probable cause & a warrant in real life becomes "Fuck a warrant, we'll invade your privacy without your consent on the internet"
that's basically the jist of it...Reddit founder was against it and he called on Google's co-founder to step up and lobby against it...yet this bill has received billions in funding. & the government is adamant in saying they aren't in a rush to pass this thing before Senate because there's bigger issues like gun control.
& @ Jason you've yet to see proof of a government attacking its own people? I wonder what you think 9/11 is
One final point is this - people make mistakes...even if they did plan out tragedies for months I doubt they have a computer generating algorithms with conditional "If, then" statements that'll show them every possibility and outcome of every action.
the same technology they use to please us and keep us happy and caught up in material things is the same technology that backfires on them. we have all these images and video of the Boston bombing but that's due to technology providing us with smartphones that take crisp pictures and video. we have people like myself that prefer investigating instead of bending over a table and taking the dick of the media that use the internet for what's possibly its greatest purpose - research & digging up information......so yeah, not everyone is perfect, "illuminati" or not, these people are human, and even with years of planning something i doubt its possible to factor in everything that could go wrong
---------- Post added at 02:23 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:19 PM ----------
on a side note @ FreezyCT makes incredibly shitty music and he spends 90% of his day retweeting people on twitter that give absolutely 0 fucks about him and aren't helping him make money in any kind of way. & he's been stuck below 2,000 followers for what seems like an eternity
meanwhile I'm jumping from 210k to 220k in a week and making money off these people.
@ FreezyCT needs to create a thread and enlighten letsbeef on how to use Twitter. Since he's had so much success in getting under 2,000 followers in 2+ years time. that's impressive B
04-24-2013, 03:23 PM
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lol @ go back 4 pages and pULSe is nowhere to be found...lemme make this clear..I'm not saying it WASN'T these 2 Russian kids for a fact...but I'm saying there's some kind of cover up going on for a FACT
@ Jason you wanna argue about these inconsistencies that shouldn't be there if this was a "conspriacy theory" and the world powers were behind it...well there's inconsistencies in a lot of stories. 9/11 at the forefront of them all, as you, I, and anyone else with common sense would tell you there's more than meets the eye
I challenge anyone on this forum to find video evidence or any concrete evidence at all of a plane hitting the Pentagon. There isn't any. Just metal lying around and what seems to be an explosion with absolutely 0 videos or images to depict what hit the Pentagon
moving onto this recent Boston bombing...Does anyone care to explain what this Saudi national has to do with it? Why isn't this getting media attention besides what the voices of the internet are saying? yet this kid had an 'event' file based on him, meaning he's pretty dangerous & he's getting deported back to Saudi Arabia...in the midst of a bombing that he had nothing to do with?
I was listening to the radio today and people in Russian government warned the FBI about the older brother being a threat. the U.S. didn't take action and they said the FBI was building an investigation or some bullshit on these brothers
if you're the FBI and you're getting paid a hefty salary to do an almost "stealth-like" job..would it be a reach to say the FBI was monitoring the older brother's behavior and was waiting for him to act out on it so the House could pass the CISPA bill and they could distract us to deport some Saudi Arabian kid who's supposedly a threat and being deported for "national security" reasons?
For those that don't know what CISPA is...its a bill that basically allows the government to access any information you put online in agreement with companies/websites. What would otherwise take probable cause & a warrant in real life becomes "Fuck a warrant, we'll invade your privacy without your consent on the internet"
that's basically the jist of it...Reddit founder was against it and he called on Google's co-founder to step up and lobby against it...yet this bill has received billions in funding. & the government is adamant in saying they aren't in a rush to pass this thing before Senate because there's bigger issues like gun control.
& @ Jason you've yet to see proof of a government attacking its own people? I wonder what you think 9/11 is
One final point is this - people make mistakes...even if they did plan out tragedies for months I doubt they have a computer generating algorithms with conditional "If, then" statements that'll show them every possibility and outcome of every action.
the same technology they use to please us and keep us happy and caught up in material things is the same technology that backfires on them. we have all these images and video of the Boston bombing but that's due to technology providing us with smartphones that take crisp pictures and video. we have people like myself that prefer investigating instead of bending over a table and taking the dick of the media that use the internet for what's possibly its greatest purpose - research & digging up information......so yeah, not everyone is perfect, "illuminati" or not, these people are human, and even with years of planning something i doubt its possible to factor in everything that could go wrong
---------- Post added at 02:23 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:19 PM ----------
on a side note @ FreezyCT makes incredibly shitty music and he spends 90% of his day retweeting people on twitter that give absolutely 0 fucks about him and aren't helping him make money in any kind of way. & he's been stuck below 2,000 followers for what seems like an eternity
meanwhile I'm jumping from 210k to 220k in a week and making money off these people.
@ FreezyCT needs to create a thread and enlighten letsbeef on how to use Twitter. Since he's had so much success in getting under 2,000 followers in 2+ years time. that's impressive B

04-24-2013, 03:59 PM
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Originally Posted by pULSe
lol @ go back 4 pages and pULSe is nowhere to be found...lemme make this clear..I'm not saying it WASN'T these 2 Russian kids for a fact...but I'm saying there's some kind of cover up going on for a FACT
@ Jason you wanna argue about these inconsistencies that shouldn't be there if this was a "conspriacy theory" and the world powers were behind it...well there's inconsistencies in a lot of stories. 9/11 at the forefront of them all, as you, I, and anyone else with common sense would tell you there's more than meets the eye
I challenge anyone on this forum to find video evidence or any concrete evidence at all of a plane hitting the Pentagon. There isn't any. Just metal lying around and what seems to be an explosion with absolutely 0 videos or images to depict what hit the Pentagon
moving onto this recent Boston bombing...Does anyone care to explain what this Saudi national has to do with it? Why isn't this getting media attention besides what the voices of the internet are saying? yet this kid had an 'event' file based on him, meaning he's pretty dangerous & he's getting deported back to Saudi Arabia...in the midst of a bombing that he had nothing to do with?
I was listening to the radio today and people in Russian government warned the FBI about the older brother being a threat. the U.S. didn't take action and they said the FBI was building an investigation or some bullshit on these brothers
if you're the FBI and you're getting paid a hefty salary to do an almost "stealth-like" job..would it be a reach to say the FBI was monitoring the older brother's behavior and was waiting for him to act out on it so the House could pass the CISPA bill and they could distract us to deport some Saudi Arabian kid who's supposedly a threat and being deported for "national security" reasons?
For those that don't know what CISPA is...its a bill that basically allows the government to access any information you put online in agreement with companies/websites. What would otherwise take probable cause & a warrant in real life becomes "Fuck a warrant, we'll invade your privacy without your consent on the internet"
that's basically the jist of it...Reddit founder was against it and he called on Google's co-founder to step up and lobby against it...yet this bill has received billions in funding. & the government is adamant in saying they aren't in a rush to pass this thing before Senate because there's bigger issues like gun control.
& @ Jason you've yet to see proof of a government attacking its own people? I wonder what you think 9/11 is
One final point is this - people make mistakes...even if they did plan out tragedies for months I doubt they have a computer generating algorithms with conditional "If, then" statements that'll show them every possibility and outcome of every action.
the same technology they use to please us and keep us happy and caught up in material things is the same technology that backfires on them. we have all these images and video of the Boston bombing but that's due to technology providing us with smartphones that take crisp pictures and video. we have people like myself that prefer investigating instead of bending over a table and taking the dick of the media that use the internet for what's possibly its greatest purpose - research & digging up information......so yeah, not everyone is perfect, "illuminati" or not, these people are human, and even with years of planning something i doubt its possible to factor in everything that could go wrong
---------- Post added at 02:23 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:19 PM ----------
on a side note @ FreezyCT makes incredibly shitty music and he spends 90% of his day retweeting people on twitter that give absolutely 0 fucks about him and aren't helping him make money in any kind of way. & he's been stuck below 2,000 followers for what seems like an eternity
meanwhile I'm jumping from 210k to 220k in a week and making money off these people.
@ FreezyCT needs to create a thread and enlighten letsbeef on how to use Twitter. Since he's had so much success in getting under 2,000 followers in 2+ years time. that's impressive B
basically you got proof of absolutely nothin is all you said here
---------- Post added at 02:59 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:54 PM ----------
Originally Posted by Just C
Oh nah I wasn't trying to compare the Thatcher Funeral/Benefits cuts to these bombings (If they were Gov orchestrated) you can't compare them. I agree. I was just saying that these people at the end of the day don't have our best intrests at heart (for the most part) and are capable of doing things that leave the public feeling screwed over, and with reason.
For the bombings to be Gov orchestrated is on a completely different level. different planet even galaxy. I get that. But I'm sure you'll agree that their are leaders in different country's all over the world who do some really REALLY screwed up shit to their people.Tyrants like Robert Mugabe ect. So just because they are in a position of power doesn't mean they wouldn't think of trying some really shady shit. But again I'm not saying they are involved. I'm just saying it isn't beyond the realms of possibility.
i hear you man .. its not impossible .. there just isnt enough of a reason for me to think so at this point
04-24-2013, 03:59 PM
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Originally Posted by pULSe
lol @ go back 4 pages and pULSe is nowhere to be found...lemme make this clear..I'm not saying it WASN'T these 2 Russian kids for a fact...but I'm saying there's some kind of cover up going on for a FACT
@ Jason you wanna argue about these inconsistencies that shouldn't be there if this was a "conspriacy theory" and the world powers were behind it...well there's inconsistencies in a lot of stories. 9/11 at the forefront of them all, as you, I, and anyone else with common sense would tell you there's more than meets the eye
I challenge anyone on this forum to find video evidence or any concrete evidence at all of a plane hitting the Pentagon. There isn't any. Just metal lying around and what seems to be an explosion with absolutely 0 videos or images to depict what hit the Pentagon
moving onto this recent Boston bombing...Does anyone care to explain what this Saudi national has to do with it? Why isn't this getting media attention besides what the voices of the internet are saying? yet this kid had an 'event' file based on him, meaning he's pretty dangerous & he's getting deported back to Saudi Arabia...in the midst of a bombing that he had nothing to do with?
I was listening to the radio today and people in Russian government warned the FBI about the older brother being a threat. the U.S. didn't take action and they said the FBI was building an investigation or some bullshit on these brothers
if you're the FBI and you're getting paid a hefty salary to do an almost "stealth-like" job..would it be a reach to say the FBI was monitoring the older brother's behavior and was waiting for him to act out on it so the House could pass the CISPA bill and they could distract us to deport some Saudi Arabian kid who's supposedly a threat and being deported for "national security" reasons?
For those that don't know what CISPA is...its a bill that basically allows the government to access any information you put online in agreement with companies/websites. What would otherwise take probable cause & a warrant in real life becomes "Fuck a warrant, we'll invade your privacy without your consent on the internet"
that's basically the jist of it...Reddit founder was against it and he called on Google's co-founder to step up and lobby against it...yet this bill has received billions in funding. & the government is adamant in saying they aren't in a rush to pass this thing before Senate because there's bigger issues like gun control.
& @ Jason you've yet to see proof of a government attacking its own people? I wonder what you think 9/11 is
One final point is this - people make mistakes...even if they did plan out tragedies for months I doubt they have a computer generating algorithms with conditional "If, then" statements that'll show them every possibility and outcome of every action.
the same technology they use to please us and keep us happy and caught up in material things is the same technology that backfires on them. we have all these images and video of the Boston bombing but that's due to technology providing us with smartphones that take crisp pictures and video. we have people like myself that prefer investigating instead of bending over a table and taking the dick of the media that use the internet for what's possibly its greatest purpose - research & digging up information......so yeah, not everyone is perfect, "illuminati" or not, these people are human, and even with years of planning something i doubt its possible to factor in everything that could go wrong
---------- Post added at 02:23 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:19 PM ----------
on a side note @ FreezyCT makes incredibly shitty music and he spends 90% of his day retweeting people on twitter that give absolutely 0 fucks about him and aren't helping him make money in any kind of way. & he's been stuck below 2,000 followers for what seems like an eternity
meanwhile I'm jumping from 210k to 220k in a week and making money off these people.
@ FreezyCT needs to create a thread and enlighten letsbeef on how to use Twitter. Since he's had so much success in getting under 2,000 followers in 2+ years time. that's impressive B
basically you got proof of absolutely nothin is all you said here
---------- Post added at 02:59 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:54 PM ----------
Originally Posted by Just C
Oh nah I wasn't trying to compare the Thatcher Funeral/Benefits cuts to these bombings (If they were Gov orchestrated) you can't compare them. I agree. I was just saying that these people at the end of the day don't have our best intrests at heart (for the most part) and are capable of doing things that leave the public feeling screwed over, and with reason.
For the bombings to be Gov orchestrated is on a completely different level. different planet even galaxy. I get that. But I'm sure you'll agree that their are leaders in different country's all over the world who do some really REALLY screwed up shit to their people.Tyrants like Robert Mugabe ect. So just because they are in a position of power doesn't mean they wouldn't think of trying some really shady shit. But again I'm not saying they are involved. I'm just saying it isn't beyond the realms of possibility.
i hear you man .. its not impossible .. there just isnt enough of a reason for me to think so at this point

04-24-2013, 04:12 PM
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But wasn't the pentagon video litteraly on the walls of the building? and to top it off it wasn't even directed into the distance the plane was coming from, it was aimed at an angle flying across rather than head on. do you realise how fast planes travel. that shit be a blur at that angle. probably wont even see it. Just the explosion. I think we can all agree that it is a little odd that a building of such stature containing some of the worlds most powerful people and intelligence doesn't have more than just this 1 camera.That is more than a little weird.
But Pulse you say Jason doesn't have any concrete evidence the events went down the way they did and that's fair enough, but at the same time you don'y have any to prove the contrary and tbh the onus is on you to provide evidence. Not him. Thats like saying pink unicorns exsist then asking him to prove they don't.
Originally Posted by Godbody
I'm part German myself.
Fuck off, I got work to do.

04-24-2013, 05:02 PM
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I see 3 men in kakis that means they are Seals?Looks like security to me .....I see 1 guy with a punisher hat easily purchased off of ebay so hes a seal as well?
---------- Post added at 04:01 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:53 PM ----------
ok one has an "ear piece"I see tons of regular people every day walking around with one ipod or mp3 player ear bud in one ear...........you people will make anything you can out of nothing OK YALL SHOULDN'T EVEN WORRY ABOUT THE GOVERNEMENT BECAUSE YOU GUYS ARE SOOOOOOOOOOOO SMART THAT YOU SEE ALL THESE GOVERNMENT LIES AND MURDERS AND COVER UPS..............that Noone else But you all see...WHY WORRY?
---------- Post added at 04:02 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:01 PM ----------
I don't agree with ALL PULSES False Flag bullshit but I will agree with what he said about wack ass Freezy Ct Lmaoooooooooooooooo

04-24-2013, 05:08 PM
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i just wanna know this...lol what kinda world do you think we live in people? look at all the chemicals in our food and drink. what's the reason for all that shit? if you think the government won't attempt to kill it's own people, WHAT THE FUCK is that? yes, food is off topic. but it is a clear example of how these assholes try to kill and dumb down people. it weakens the third eye @ pULSe. The Boston Bombings?? very fishy to me. I won't go back and forth with the clowns on this site, but all I have to say is I'm glad people are waking up and seeing the truth.

04-24-2013, 05:31 PM
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Riiight Dosage truth only You see ............they put chemicals in the food to kill us why are we still here?I see 10000s dying everyday on the news daily from food................WOW
---------- Post added at 04:31 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:30 PM ----------
The dying from food daily thing was sarcasm BTW........or a Conspiracy withing my post?????
04-24-2013, 05:31 PM
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Riiight Dosage truth only You see ............they put chemicals in the food to kill us why are we still here?I see 10000s dying everyday on the news daily from food................WOW
---------- Post added at 04:31 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:30 PM ----------
The dying from food daily thing was sarcasm BTW........or a Conspiracy withing my post?????
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