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Unread 11-05-2013, 09:46 AM
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Default EtH's Rant like 6 or something: The White Man Keeping You Down?

So as always, when I was debating politics with a black guy, we got to the topic of this fictional white man.

It got me thinking, comparing it to shit I know, and my revelation was this...

There is no inequality based on race. Race is irrelevant. What these 'minorities' are getting wrong is that they are mixing up racism with the class system. Instead of thinking "I live in a shit area because I'm black", why arent you thinking "I live in shit area cause I'm poor". "I can't get into college because I'm black" / "I can't get into college cause I'm poor".

The reason these people live in the "ghetto" isn't because they are black, it's because they are poor. Of any poor family, someone has to overcome. Someone needs to have determination to get into having money, and sadly, if you're one of these people, you're parents weren't that person. Most likely, your parents were stupid enough to have kids young, and while they were broke. Instead of dedicating their life to overcoming poverty and then being able to remove their family, black white or green, from the "ghetto", their focus diverted to keeping their child alive, thus derailing their hopes.

If your poor and blame the "white man", stfu, wear a johnny and don't fuck your future family over.
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Unread 11-05-2013, 09:46 AM   #1
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Default EtH's Rant like 6 or something: The White Man Keeping You Down?

So as always, when I was debating politics with a black guy, we got to the topic of this fictional white man.

It got me thinking, comparing it to shit I know, and my revelation was this...

There is no inequality based on race. Race is irrelevant. What these 'minorities' are getting wrong is that they are mixing up racism with the class system. Instead of thinking "I live in a shit area because I'm black", why arent you thinking "I live in shit area cause I'm poor". "I can't get into college because I'm black" / "I can't get into college cause I'm poor".

The reason these people live in the "ghetto" isn't because they are black, it's because they are poor. Of any poor family, someone has to overcome. Someone needs to have determination to get into having money, and sadly, if you're one of these people, you're parents weren't that person. Most likely, your parents were stupid enough to have kids young, and while they were broke. Instead of dedicating their life to overcoming poverty and then being able to remove their family, black white or green, from the "ghetto", their focus diverted to keeping their child alive, thus derailing their hopes.

If your poor and blame the "white man", stfu, wear a johnny and don't fuck your future family over.
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Unread 11-05-2013, 10:47 AM
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I agree.. which may be shocking since Im a 'black guy' from the ghetto... who made it out on my own..

But I will rebuttal the "race is irrelevant" statement..

let's look at the US President... The BLACK US President..

When he announced he was running for president, the secret service had to start guarding him about six months before they normally start guarding presidential candidates, because of all the death threats he was receiving. So the question is why is that? What had he done that was so bad that they had to start guarding him that early? Did he murder somebody, rape somebody, rob a bank, commit an act of terrorism?

No he didn't

You had the so-called birthers attempting with all of their might to de-legitimize his presidency saying that he couldn’t be president because he wasn’t born in the United States. No matter how much data was examined or presented to show he was born in the United States, (birth certificate, announcement of his birth in two papers at the time) was not good enough for these people. It was all faked! The truth could only be what they fervently and bitterly believed the truth to be! They wouldn’t and probably still won’t accept anything less than what they believe to be true! Again, Why All This Drama Over Obama?

What do they have against President Obama? What has he done to engender that kind of hostile scrutiny from them?

Did Bill Clinton or George W. Bush have to prove they were born in the United States to be president?

No they didn't.

At many of the so-called town halls meeting, angry protestors carried caricatures of the president as Adolf Hitler as well as other offensive racial images of him to show what a horrible person they think he is! But what had President Obama done to make them view him as Hitler or as someone who was the same type of person as Hitler?

Hitler killed millions of people, what had President Obama done that could be equated to what Hitler had done?

Let me answer that; nothing!

Of course not everyone who doesn’t like the president is a racist. Some may have legitimate political differences with him. That’s oK. They can disagree with him and have a civil discourse about it without spewing hate and hostility.

Some people don’t know that their negative racial feelings are fueling their fear and hatred of President Obama and would be mortified to think that they harbored any such feelings.

But, psychologically, when someone automatically experiences intense hatred, dread or other such emotions about someone they don’t know, it’s usually a sign that they have underlying subconscious feeling they aren’t acknowledging.

It’s like a phobia, where someone reacts to a fly as if it’s a grizzly bear about to attack them! Their reaction is out of proportion to the danger they’re actually in.

The republicans, Rush Limbaugh and others' stated agenda was to stop President Obama from being successful. Not to try to make the country better, to help people or to try to create more jobs, but to stop Obama!

They don't give a damn about the country only about stopping Obama and they proved this by being against anything President Obama is for.

If they were for some proposal and Obama decided to adopt it, they would do an about face and reject a proposal that they previously supported because Obama was now for it!

Are these people really Americans?

Should they even call themselves Americans, if all they care about is stopping President Obama and be damn the country?

There's just something about a black man being president of a "white" country that just irks them.


The Republican Party is full of Racists... They make his job hard simply because he's black.. there is no other logical reason.

If he said the sky was blue, they would disagree... smh..


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Unread 11-05-2013, 10:47 AM   #2
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I agree.. which may be shocking since Im a 'black guy' from the ghetto... who made it out on my own..

But I will rebuttal the "race is irrelevant" statement..

let's look at the US President... The BLACK US President..

When he announced he was running for president, the secret service had to start guarding him about six months before they normally start guarding presidential candidates, because of all the death threats he was receiving. So the question is why is that? What had he done that was so bad that they had to start guarding him that early? Did he murder somebody, rape somebody, rob a bank, commit an act of terrorism?

No he didn't

You had the so-called birthers attempting with all of their might to de-legitimize his presidency saying that he couldn’t be president because he wasn’t born in the United States. No matter how much data was examined or presented to show he was born in the United States, (birth certificate, announcement of his birth in two papers at the time) was not good enough for these people. It was all faked! The truth could only be what they fervently and bitterly believed the truth to be! They wouldn’t and probably still won’t accept anything less than what they believe to be true! Again, Why All This Drama Over Obama?

What do they have against President Obama? What has he done to engender that kind of hostile scrutiny from them?

Did Bill Clinton or George W. Bush have to prove they were born in the United States to be president?

No they didn't.

At many of the so-called town halls meeting, angry protestors carried caricatures of the president as Adolf Hitler as well as other offensive racial images of him to show what a horrible person they think he is! But what had President Obama done to make them view him as Hitler or as someone who was the same type of person as Hitler?

Hitler killed millions of people, what had President Obama done that could be equated to what Hitler had done?

Let me answer that; nothing!

Of course not everyone who doesn’t like the president is a racist. Some may have legitimate political differences with him. That’s oK. They can disagree with him and have a civil discourse about it without spewing hate and hostility.

Some people don’t know that their negative racial feelings are fueling their fear and hatred of President Obama and would be mortified to think that they harbored any such feelings.

But, psychologically, when someone automatically experiences intense hatred, dread or other such emotions about someone they don’t know, it’s usually a sign that they have underlying subconscious feeling they aren’t acknowledging.

It’s like a phobia, where someone reacts to a fly as if it’s a grizzly bear about to attack them! Their reaction is out of proportion to the danger they’re actually in.

The republicans, Rush Limbaugh and others' stated agenda was to stop President Obama from being successful. Not to try to make the country better, to help people or to try to create more jobs, but to stop Obama!

They don't give a damn about the country only about stopping Obama and they proved this by being against anything President Obama is for.

If they were for some proposal and Obama decided to adopt it, they would do an about face and reject a proposal that they previously supported because Obama was now for it!

Are these people really Americans?

Should they even call themselves Americans, if all they care about is stopping President Obama and be damn the country?

There's just something about a black man being president of a "white" country that just irks them.


The Republican Party is full of Racists... They make his job hard simply because he's black.. there is no other logical reason.

If he said the sky was blue, they would disagree... smh..


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Unread 11-05-2013, 10:51 AM
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Don't get me wrong, racism exists, but not as an excuse.
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Unread 11-05-2013, 10:51 AM   #3
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Don't get me wrong, racism exists, but not as an excuse.
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Unread 11-05-2013, 11:07 AM
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Fuck racism.
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Unread 11-05-2013, 11:07 AM   #4
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Fuck racism.
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Unread 11-05-2013, 11:35 AM
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Originally Posted by UnEtH View Post
Don't get me wrong, racism exists, but not as an excuse.
Thats true.. For any race, we should all stride to be the best we can..


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Unread 11-05-2013, 11:35 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by UnEtH View Post
Don't get me wrong, racism exists, but not as an excuse.
Thats true.. For any race, we should all stride to be the best we can..
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Unread 11-05-2013, 11:58 AM
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Sounding more American than your American accent, that's for sure.

Your social context has a huge influence on your opportunities. Race WILL influence your job opportunities, your education opportunities, ect. Social-economic status definitely has a powerful impact on your opportunities as well, possibly more important than race but there's quite a few studies that show race, independent of SES will negatively impact your opportunities.

It may not be an excuse, but sometimes your viable options go out the window, there's only so many people that can make it out. The REAL problem? How shitty our business and political systems are set up to fuck the poor into being poorer and empower the rich to get richer. Especially when you realize in developed countries we're capable of providing enough resources to everyone to have a decent standard of living if we would just redistribute wealth better.

But you know.....Capitalism is the best woo go capitalism. Fuck equality. Pull yourself up by your bootstraps even if you can't afford shoes. Takes money to make money. The poor and the rich are morally bankrupt. We are all middle class. Socialism is the devil but medicare and social security are awesome.
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Last edited by Dono; 11-05-2013 at 12:00 PM.
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Unread 11-05-2013, 11:58 AM   #6
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Sounding more American than your American accent, that's for sure.

Your social context has a huge influence on your opportunities. Race WILL influence your job opportunities, your education opportunities, ect. Social-economic status definitely has a powerful impact on your opportunities as well, possibly more important than race but there's quite a few studies that show race, independent of SES will negatively impact your opportunities.

It may not be an excuse, but sometimes your viable options go out the window, there's only so many people that can make it out. The REAL problem? How shitty our business and political systems are set up to fuck the poor into being poorer and empower the rich to get richer. Especially when you realize in developed countries we're capable of providing enough resources to everyone to have a decent standard of living if we would just redistribute wealth better.

But you know.....Capitalism is the best woo go capitalism. Fuck equality. Pull yourself up by your bootstraps even if you can't afford shoes. Takes money to make money. The poor and the rich are morally bankrupt. We are all middle class. Socialism is the devil but medicare and social security are awesome.
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Last edited by Dono; 11-05-2013 at 12:00 PM.
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Unread 11-05-2013, 12:21 PM
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The white man been keeping my white ass down.. 2014 is my time to get out the hood.. I live in blood territory and shits gonna end.. i wanna live with the whites aka the doctors, nurses and entrepreneurs.. Like Eth basically said shit aint cuz of your color, its cuz of your parents and what you do with yourself.. Dont blame the white man cuz your a gangbanger or drug dealer and go to jail cuz its your fault.. "I cant get a job cuz im mexican, chinese or black" Bitch i filled out 300 apps and only got 10 interviews and 1 job this year.. I aint gonna say i cant get a job cuz im white but i'll say i cant get a job cuz i dont have legit work experience which is why im in job programs..

---------- Post added at 12:21 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:18 PM ----------

TBH i think black people on LetsBeef are smarter then a lot of black people in society so you should be ranting about this globally not on LB..
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Unread 11-05-2013, 12:21 PM   #7
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The white man been keeping my white ass down.. 2014 is my time to get out the hood.. I live in blood territory and shits gonna end.. i wanna live with the whites aka the doctors, nurses and entrepreneurs.. Like Eth basically said shit aint cuz of your color, its cuz of your parents and what you do with yourself.. Dont blame the white man cuz your a gangbanger or drug dealer and go to jail cuz its your fault.. "I cant get a job cuz im mexican, chinese or black" Bitch i filled out 300 apps and only got 10 interviews and 1 job this year.. I aint gonna say i cant get a job cuz im white but i'll say i cant get a job cuz i dont have legit work experience which is why im in job programs..

---------- Post added at 12:21 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:18 PM ----------

TBH i think black people on LetsBeef are smarter then a lot of black people in society so you should be ranting about this globally not on LB..
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Unread 11-05-2013, 12:44 PM
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@Phe, true. There aren't too many "Fuck the police, legalize weed, white people are racist, justice for trayvon" black guys on here so you're right that we don't have much of that problem here.

Race doesn't impact getting a job. Race impacts getting a job as much as having a scar on your head. Maybe the boss is a racist...MAYBE...but you can pick any job in the world, except grand master of the KKK, and you will find plenty of black people doing it. As Phe said, he has been "kept down" too. How is race an issue? I know hundreds of people who can't get a job no matter what they do. Throw some black skin on them and they will claim racism. It's the exact same as the stupid guy that yesterday claimed the government was neglected their duties to fix the roads, when in actuality the road networking has grown insanely and one shitty road was his example.

People claim society, "the white man", race, creed, nationality, gender etc. etc. for their own inadequacies. Stop fucking bitching and moaning and overcome whatever the fuck problems you have going on in your life.
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Unread 11-05-2013, 12:44 PM   #8
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@Phe, true. There aren't too many "Fuck the police, legalize weed, white people are racist, justice for trayvon" black guys on here so you're right that we don't have much of that problem here.

Race doesn't impact getting a job. Race impacts getting a job as much as having a scar on your head. Maybe the boss is a racist...MAYBE...but you can pick any job in the world, except grand master of the KKK, and you will find plenty of black people doing it. As Phe said, he has been "kept down" too. How is race an issue? I know hundreds of people who can't get a job no matter what they do. Throw some black skin on them and they will claim racism. It's the exact same as the stupid guy that yesterday claimed the government was neglected their duties to fix the roads, when in actuality the road networking has grown insanely and one shitty road was his example.

People claim society, "the white man", race, creed, nationality, gender etc. etc. for their own inadequacies. Stop fucking bitching and moaning and overcome whatever the fuck problems you have going on in your life.
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Unread 11-05-2013, 12:52 PM
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It's not about the individual level, it's on a statistical level. Statistically speaking, white people are more likely to get jobs over their black counterparts even when they have the exact same qualifications. Does that mean it'll happen everywhere in every situation? No.

So yes, it's possible to overcome disadvantage, but to say race isn't at all a factor is completely delusional. There's countless studies that show otherwise. Or would you like to contend that black individuals, women, and other minorities that have statistically worse outcomes are inherently less talented than white people?
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Unread 11-05-2013, 12:52 PM   #9
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It's not about the individual level, it's on a statistical level. Statistically speaking, white people are more likely to get jobs over their black counterparts even when they have the exact same qualifications. Does that mean it'll happen everywhere in every situation? No.

So yes, it's possible to overcome disadvantage, but to say race isn't at all a factor is completely delusional. There's countless studies that show otherwise. Or would you like to contend that black individuals, women, and other minorities that have statistically worse outcomes are inherently less talented than white people?
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Unread 11-05-2013, 01:02 PM
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Originally Posted by Dono View Post
It's not about the individual level, it's on a statistical level. Statistically speaking, white people are more likely to get jobs over their black counterparts even when they have the exact same qualifications. Does that mean it'll happen everywhere in every situation? No.

So yes, it's possible to overcome disadvantage, but to say race isn't at all a factor is completely delusional. There's countless studies that show otherwise. Or would you like to contend that black individuals, women, and other minorities that have statistically worse outcomes are inherently less talented than white people?
Where are these statistics? The rarity of people having the EXACT same qualifications and experience is ridiculously large.

It's not just "possible", that's an under statement. You either do or you don't, and each is a choice.

What studies?

Because of the class system, I'd say for a high level job there will be 50 white applicants and 10 black applicants. If they pick a white guy...they're not picking favourites based on race? What happens when the interviewer is a black man? Nothing change?

I can't work behind a counter in a shop, the most readily available job for an unemployed young person in Ireland (not that labouring is dead), because that's a job women almost exclusively get. Is this sexism? Should I make a speech about having a dream over this? No, based on the experiences of the employer, they find women work in this job better. This doesn't make them sexists. If an employer picks a white person over a black person, does it make them a racist right off the bat?

Just so many excuses get thrown around. You could change the words race and black in our debate, and make it working class and poor, and you could have the exact same debate with a guy growing up in a council estate in Glasgow. "No opportunities", "No one will hire me" blah blah blah. Anyone can overcome anything, if they stop making fucking excuses about everything.

Do these people watch Men of Honour and only pick up on the racism part, and not the black man becoming a master diver part?
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Unread 11-05-2013, 01:02 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by Dono View Post
It's not about the individual level, it's on a statistical level. Statistically speaking, white people are more likely to get jobs over their black counterparts even when they have the exact same qualifications. Does that mean it'll happen everywhere in every situation? No.

So yes, it's possible to overcome disadvantage, but to say race isn't at all a factor is completely delusional. There's countless studies that show otherwise. Or would you like to contend that black individuals, women, and other minorities that have statistically worse outcomes are inherently less talented than white people?
Where are these statistics? The rarity of people having the EXACT same qualifications and experience is ridiculously large.

It's not just "possible", that's an under statement. You either do or you don't, and each is a choice.

What studies?

Because of the class system, I'd say for a high level job there will be 50 white applicants and 10 black applicants. If they pick a white guy...they're not picking favourites based on race? What happens when the interviewer is a black man? Nothing change?

I can't work behind a counter in a shop, the most readily available job for an unemployed young person in Ireland (not that labouring is dead), because that's a job women almost exclusively get. Is this sexism? Should I make a speech about having a dream over this? No, based on the experiences of the employer, they find women work in this job better. This doesn't make them sexists. If an employer picks a white person over a black person, does it make them a racist right off the bat?

Just so many excuses get thrown around. You could change the words race and black in our debate, and make it working class and poor, and you could have the exact same debate with a guy growing up in a council estate in Glasgow. "No opportunities", "No one will hire me" blah blah blah. Anyone can overcome anything, if they stop making fucking excuses about everything.

Do these people watch Men of Honour and only pick up on the racism part, and not the black man becoming a master diver part?
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