Those who dont put work in for there own title, i.e. links providing proof where needed etc etc then you WILL NOT be taken seriously, an will be put to the back of the list.. So read the thread.
Unless you are a Member of Staff, Do Not...I repeat DO NOT free post in another members Title request page, as you have no business in there in the first place & the Staff will determine whether or not the Member in Question is Eligible for there Title or not.. Not You...
New Addition: You MUST have TWO mod's (this does not include me) to Endorse your Request From now.
And Do Not.... DO NOT Free post in the Request Title forum(s) on another member's Title Request... It's no body else's business other than the member who has requested the title and fellow Staff Member's...
Those who dont put work in for there own title, i.e. links providing proof where needed etc etc then you WILL NOT be taken seriously, an will be put to the back of the list.. So read the thread.
Unless you are a Member of Staff, Do Not...I repeat DO NOT free post in another members Title request page, as you have no business in there in the first place & the Staff will determine whether or not the Member in Question is Eligible for there Title or not.. Not You...
New Addition: You MUST have TWO mod's (this does not include me) to Endorse your Request From now.
And Do Not.... DO NOT Free post in the Request Title forum(s) on another member's Title Request... It's no body else's business other than the member who has requested the title and fellow Staff Member's...