tbh... fuck promoting forum activity..like the forums are chill & whatever, its cool to talk with some of you dudes, but i feel like it would be better to work on promoting battle/voting activity. Obviously the audio side needs work, but even Text arena has the same few people that drop battles consistently. Yeah you get tha occasional Ol vet to drop a battle or one of the Mods drop a battle every now & then, but i feel it could be better...
Also, IMO the most underrated section on this site is the Track Section. There are some talented individuals that drop dope tracks regularly, & it seems like alot of these masterpieces go unnoticed by a good percentage of the site. I think the Track section should be the most popular section on this site & it would be a good way to attract other artists that aren't necessarily battle rappers.
IMO "forum games" & spending most of your time on LB in the forums (General Talk Forum) is a waste of time, if it's not about Rap/battles. & No offense, but that game sounds fuckin retarded.
This Is Just My Opinion Atleast. I'm not judging, I just think it would be a waste of time to further & promote more activity to the forum. Nothings getting accomplished.
*I Am Not Knockin Tha Forums, It's Def One Of Tha Pluses To This Site & Makes This Site Unique, I Just Feel It Would Be Better To Exploit Other Sections In The Side*
"While I'm watchin every nigga watching me closely,
my shit is butter for tha bread they wanna toast me
I keep my head, both of them where they suppose to be.." #CanILive
"I Strike Down Upon Thee With Great Vengenance & Furious Anger For Those Who Attempt To Poison & Destroy My Brothers, AND YOU WILL KNOW MY NAME IS THA LORD!!" #PulpFiction
*~Tha Dope Man~*