Welcome to another Scheme Tourney. This is a tournament that will be hosted in the official brackets. 32 participants will enter in an attempt to win the Scheme Champion title. In this tourney you are going to be given a scheme and your aim is to carry out the scheme for the whole battle. The number of syllables per round will be posted when a round opens. If more than 32 people sign up and good textees that don't make the sign ups are willing to participate then I will hit up other mods to decide who will be replaced and who will enter. Have fun with it and good luck to y'all
Welcome to another Scheme Tourney. This is a tournament that will be hosted in the official brackets. 32 participants will enter in an attempt to win the Scheme Champion title. In this tourney you are going to be given a scheme and your aim is to carry out the scheme for the whole battle. The number of syllables per round will be posted when a round opens. If more than 32 people sign up and good textees that don't make the sign ups are willing to participate then I will hit up other mods to decide who will be replaced and who will enter. Have fun with it and good luck to y'all