Swift Vs V3numb
Round #1 Voting Thread
Voting will be voted upon using the GFX rubric (Click
HERE for rubric and if you need definitions for the words click
Here ), Failure will result in a non eligible vote.
Use this for a guideline:
Composition - Are both sides equal? Or does one side look heavier than the other (Does the left have more effects/objects than the right leaving the right side feel empty?
Negatives: All the effects/objects on one side.
Colors - Do the color choices compliment eachother? Are they monotone, or to saturated? Do they visualy stimulate you?
Negatives: Monotone, or to saturated, colors that contrast poorly.
Lighting- Is the lighting realistic? Is their shadows? Is their depth within the tag caused by lighting? Is it possitioned correctly?
Negatives: The lighting is not facing the focal, the lighting is not shining on the focal.
Blending - Does the focal appear to be part of the tag or on top of it? The focal should be part of it, blended into the tag as if it should be there.
Negatives: The tag doesnt feel whole, the render just look added on this no attempt or effort to make it match the background.
Flow - Does the objects or design follow the flow of the focals body, or the flow of the focals individual sections and or limbs?
Negatives: think of the objects as lines, typically going in a direction. Do the lines create an X? If the lines creat an X, the flow is poor.
Style - Is the style creative?
Negatives: Bland, lacking of creativity.
Depth - Does the signature feel flat? or does it feel like there is distance?
Neggatives: Signature looks flat, less action.