Not really sure why you gave me an infraction for talking about text battlers in the text lounge. Slightly unfair
12:23am Q
You're welcome
12:23am Fame
Awesome Moderating
12:23am Q
Why thank you.
having to move thread after thread....even though you were told prior about it
an i STILL had to go an move another thread
only gave you one point
12:24am Fame
You don't have to move ANY of them. I'm talking about TEXT battlers in the TEXT lounge.
12:26am Q
^Like that one
12:27am Fame
I'm assuming the text lounge is to talk about all things text battle related?
12:27am Q
^ that one
12:27am Fame
Yep. I don't talk to the audio side, so it was directed at TEXT battlers
12:27am Q
or that one
12:30am Fame
If I make a thread called 'Text battles' and then only write 'Discuss...' in the thread, will you move that too?
12:31am Q
text lounge is for battle advertising an call outs etc....anything else in genral related....
trying to make sure ppl use the whole forums that are there not just one singel forum like before
12:31am Fame
Text Lounge (7 Viewing)
Anything related to Text Battles including: callouts and battle discussions
Sub-Forums: Text Tournaments (Mod: AfterThought)
Note the bit that says 'Anything related to text battles.'
12:32am Q
your showing me what i've already said...
ya can try an go around it...argue all ya want i really dont care...i'm doing what was told to be done...
12:33am Fame
Then the body of the text on the forum category should be edited to stop any further unwarranted infractions.
12:39am Fame
I do agree that the site is better now everything is not in the text lounge and I can appreciate how SOME of my recent threads (definitely not my most recent, though) could have been misconstrued to make you believe that they were miscatagorised by myself, but, I can assure you that they were text related and feel I should now receive -1 infraction points due to the inconvenience caused.