First practice your fucking flow, or you can skip this step by simply blocking anyone who doesn't vote your way (tell yourself I only block mother fuckers who don't vote fairly) and eventually all the voters who are aloud to vote on your battles are your best friends and to the top you go. If that plan doesnt work just pay for exclusive and the site will uppercut the shit out your profile until it's seen all the way from outer fucking space mother fucker. This site is the biggest waste of time cause there are only about 10,000 people who actually have passion for rapping in general (they're usually not on), Not just of the slinging out a bunch of curses at nurses with full auto burstes
, but of all rap, lyricle flow, lyrics, ect. anyways the underlying message here is not to let the votes get you down, because most people don't even listen, the're just trying to get 3 more points to spit a stupid fucking 5 1/2 bars that they think is so fucking awesome because more people like them are voting on their battles for that 3 pointer.
^ I will never stoop this low like so many others have already ^