Fuck all you Text rappers
you text guys/gals are some shady ass people....fuck your text hall of fame its a fucking fraud i just wanna know what type of person spends 30-60 mins. typing up 32-64 bars and submitting to lb when u can buy a mic and say the shit in 45-60-120 secs makes no sense man! on a side note you other text cats that vote on audio without having an audio battle can fuck off also so fuck all you text emcees fuck your text hall of fame fuck you texters that vote on audio without having audio battles
dare anyone of you to say this isn't true of whats going on with you text cats sending friend request adding each other up and instant messaging for votes yall united thats why so many of yall haters be online at once in these forums.... shady motha fuckas run in packs but shao sees all.....
Marked Out Niggas
1. Punk