Okay so you can either hop on my dick and diss me like lames, or we can have an intelligent discussion about the situation. You can consider this a disclaimer.
Hip-hop is black culture. Not at all exclusively black, but definitely a culture that derives directly from poverty and minorities. If you can't at least agree with that you need to get the fuck out my thread right now. Anyways, moving on, niggas in the hood don't read. The people who are actually willing to sit up and read ya bitch ass lines all day are already signed up on this site. LB, imo, hasn't taken off because the audio side is lacking. You got niggas like me, @
unclephil, @
Doc T, @
Fiji Osa, etc. droppin piff but other than that the audio side is wack and inactive compared to the text side.
Now, this is NOT, I repeat, NOT taking away from the textcees. What you guys do are great and to be honest I've read from some of the HOFers and actually elevated lol. However, what this IS saying is we need to be conscious of the crowds we are trying to attract. I feel like if @
AP0CALYPSE really gets this whole youtube battle thing going steady and @
S K I T T can post some nice audio beef on facebook, we can get there. Also on the Twitter side, why the fuck does LB follow more people than are following back???
I'm not saying I deserve any type of administration status of any kind, but I do have ideas of how to get this thing rolling. @
Pugz, holla at ya boy. But yeah anyway for instance, what the fuck are these ads paying for?? Can we get some LB promotion so niggas actually KNOW about us lol?? But before we do that, we need to revive some audio heads and get active. There's no reason the Text Lounge should be more active than the Audio's, none.
I honestly believe the key to getting this site off the ground is audio activity and better advertisement. What do you guys think?