My bad for the confusion everyone. LOL, i copied my list over with the scroll bar down a notch, so my first four signups didn't get transferred to my list. Here's the Official Prelim Thread...again:
Reason for the prelims:
We won't be getting 64 signups. I will be posting a prelim bracket within the hour. You have until tomorrow to post. I will close and post the official 32 man bracket on Tuesday by 12:00Noon MST. This is so we can get this tournament poppin NEXT WEEK. Here's the outline
Here's the outlook:
I selected previous title holders/staff members first. They have responsibility to be online and will more than likely be in the tournament for the duration. NOTE: These are not invitational berths. If any of these jacketed spots no-show in the first round, they're suspended from the next text even without exception (as warned by RULE in the Crew Championship.
10 Title Holder/Staff spots (Solidified):
@Just C
@Mind Fuck
@Itz Killz
@Gurp Da God
The next group consists of those who signed up in order on a "first come first serve basis:
13 First-Come-First Serve Spots (Solidified):
@Its Deja Vu
@MaCc iLL Jordan
Everyone listed or signed-up from that point will be in a one round prelim match to fill the remainder of the 32 spots.
Left Sends To Right, These Battle will be done in the text arena, can't do a bracket for this number of competitors (yeah, my bad).
Slot #24. @Verity vs @AfterThought
Slot #25. @Oskar Khan vs @TalkSick
Slot #26. @UnknownLogikvs @Steeez
Slot #27. @NelSyn vs @_AxIoM
Slot #28. @Ad Hominem vs @Unyqe
Slot #29. @Westley Snipez vs @Almighty™
Slot #30. @Intricate Skillz vs @NaturIll
Slot #31. @FiNAL WoRD vs @Xplissit
Slot #32. @Phoenix vs @Tek Notez
Prelim Rules:
-Left Sends to Right
-No Flipping!! (thanks Tek)
-8 Line Scheme Battle
-4 Syllable Rhyme Pattern
-You chose your own scheme
-Post ASAP:
If you haven't completed and out for votes by Sunday. if not, you get an auto-loss
This gives me Monday to do the official brackets and post on Tues.
Good Luck.