3 quick and easy tips to better you freestyle ability
post some of your own if you have any, I'm always on the look out for new techniques
This the basic startegy i used to teach myself how to freestyle, it gets deeper but this is how i started
1)First off you should broaden your vocabulary when i was a kid my parents made me learn 5 words a week, this really help me with freestying, the more words you know, the more options you have, also think of better ways, you can say basic words/phrases
Ex1 My lyrics fuck em up like a dick in a pussy
here's a more complex way to say it "my verse hit whores like vaginal intercourse"
Ex2: i spit sick shit verses all my lyrics are hot
a more complex way to say it " this thesis is apart of the chronicle of a genius, i got masterpieces that defy scientific reasons"
see small changes like this can make the difference between a basic freestyle and a complex freestyle
2) second you want the verse to have structure have a thesis/ideal/message you want the verse to give, then every bar provides support for your thesis. this keeps you on topic and help you deliver a solid verse.
3)if you have a point were you brain goes blank try saying "Ok ,yea or a long wwwooowww" this give you an extra 2 second or more to think of something without falling off beat,
" I murdered a million emcees and autographed all of their coffins"