Originally Posted by lizman
Read The Whole Battle
I Used Nameplay (And I Thought It Was Pretty Nice Too)
You Wreck Someone (You Do Know What Wrecking Is...?)
Tangle = Smtn Twisted... [I Wreck This Twisted Dude]
If your describing 2 different consecutive actions It's Wreck
, Tangle
And not Wreck Tangle < But because you did that it looks and suggests like you're doing some sort of nameplay If for instance the guy you was battling (For aguments sake) name was say "Tangle"
You seriously don't know how to structure your verses properly to paint an image in the voters mind
And that's just 1 of the many problems with your so called "Complexity"
I could honestly go on for hours picking wholes in it
Side note: Wtf am I even doing this?. Every fucking time you drag me into this bullshit and everytime it goes through 1 ear and out of the other lol
I'm honestly done with this