Letter to Mister Goodness:
Look man, I find it rediculous that I have a whole page of my battle record with me vs you. I'm sure you pride yourself on the ability to snipe as many battles as possible (for whatever reason). I don't like having multiple battles with the same mc, if I can help it. But thats not even the case with you. My issuse with you "stealing" my opens is that you have so many ppl blocked, my battles against you never see the amount of votes and feedback I deserve. I'm not being cocky, I get at least 10 pms each battle saying " Whats good blak, peeped that battle and tried to vote, but MG has me blocked". Not only that but you also have me blocked so I cant even comment on my own battles. So when bitches start talking shit I cant tell them to fuck off like I should be able to. You really shouldn't be sniping battles from mc's you have blocked anyway. Out of our thirty something battles you have beat me once, thats not even meant as a diss just reminding you. Now I could be an asshole and make threats and call you every bad word I know in the English language, but I'm coming to you respectfully. I cant make you do anything you dont want to do so I ask you as one gentleman to another: Mister Goodness, please stop "stealing" every open I post. There are plenty of other cats who would love a battle with MG. I however would love a battle with plenty of other cats. Real shit, this aint a diss letter, this aint ass kissing and it aint cop out. Just a gentlemans request. out...