The Crew Situation
lets keep it 100....DIE & Higher Education are the same 20-30 niggas we always see in crews reshuffled. ya'll niggas got LB lookin like musical chairs
DIE lookin like the active part of LoD meets Murda Muzik or some shit idk
Higher Education is like when RULE had Classick but its some Turnbull AC's shit
why don't ya'll reduce the size of your crew so we can have 4-5 competitive crews instead of 2 dominant ones? throwing all these niggas in 2 crews completely kills the Crew Battles section and makes the site look inactive
spreading the crews out to 4-5 is a good look for crew battles and activity
then if more ppl sign up as a result of this perceived increase of activity, ya'll turn those 4-5 man crews into 7-8 man crews. Etc
what ya'll think