Idea: delete/merge boards, Add new ones
this site still get hella forums for no reason...makes the site look mad spread out and looks bad for the activity
if we merged hella forums and deleted the least important shit everything would be easier to find
The 2nd section of the forums...the " Happenings" tf we got so many forums for? You could take the LB Promotions, Contests, Contest Sign-Ups, & Tournaments board and merge them into a "Letsbeef Archive" board.. merge the LB Statistics board at the bottom of the forum in the HOF section with the Site News & Updates as a sub-forum or just merge them completely
Audio, Text, & Topical Lounge? Why not just have a "Battle Lounge" and make it everyone's lounge? or make the Audio, Text, & Topical each a subforum under Battle Lounge? & throw in crew battles there too.
Support Section should cover Bugs, complaints, and Ideas instead of having 3 separate forums...that shit looks dumb. If the site got flooded with 20 posts in each category a day it'd make sense but the site is too inactive to have 3 dedicated forums for the Support section
add a Blackmarket forum with a downloads board and cash battles etc lol