There's a huge issue with this site. People love to hate on people for sniping. But what else are you suppose to do?
You could just send someone a verse, but do you realize how many verses I've sent to people and got no reply? Therefore I'm just fucking wasting bars. I think that happens to a lot of people.
We need some sort of forum or some place for people to post "I'm open to accept battles" or something. That way I can scroll through the list of people who are willing to accept battles and I know who I can send a battle to. Like right now for example I'm bored as fuck and want to battle, but I'm not going to waste my bars. So now I'm going to log off here and go to FB. Frustrating, because I used to love this site.
Anyone want to add onto my idea? Is there something like this already in the works?? I'd like to implement this ASAP.