When you go an apply for jobs..
you hit em up a week after you applied..
and then they be like "oh we just hired a few people" check back in two weeks and we'll see if they worked out of not, if they dont then we'll consider you (and i mean she wanted me to come and walk back in.. not call on the phone)
i mean i can understand why they do this and its justifiable and prolly would do same..
it's a psychology.. they know they didn't hire anyone.. they just want to see how badly you want the job, if you're willing to pounce on the moment in 2 weeks you'd look desperate enough to walk yourself back in there.. and they prolly give you a time to come back and w.e for training
umma keep it real.. i marked down the mental calender in my head.. lord knows i ain't got shit going on for me so i be there ion the 18th lol ( if you need graphics done please hmu.. chink need to get his "kim-chi" on.. Realtalk)
but yo.. you ever come across situational mind games like this in your life? could be same situation or not doesn't matter long as it falls under the mind game scenario
"Draw to your hearts desire
and keep it
(DJ Denton)

Originally Posted by Dave
Originally Posted by Punk The God
ahh.. yea your a good fucker..
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