These can be mini forum tournaments or if enough interest is peaked we could set it up for a 32 or even 64 official tournament. There are just ideas I've thought about but feel free to add more. After this we could make a thread deciding which one is the best and give it a try. Keep in mind some of these are stupid lol but they could be changed.
My ideas so far:
Writing a whole verse as a question
Topical: Write a whole story for an opponent and why their a failure at life.
90's slang battles using only references and slangs from the 90's, other decades could work too.
Like Epic Rap Battles Of History we would pretend we're historians or famous people and battle each other using personal references.
Topical: Situational cyphers. You're stuck in a prison how do you get out? You're both transported back to the civil war how do you survive? You're trapped in a wild and left for dead, what do you do? Obviously these would be at least 32 lines, more towards 64 and beyond.
Anonymous text battles. We set up two new profiles called Emcee 1 & Emcee 2 (3 & 4 if needed, etc.) but basically all the contestants would send me 8 lines of their work, me and a panel of judges would go over the verses and decide which ones are more closely matched so we don't give the advantage to someone and then I post them on the Emcee 1 & Emcee 2 profiles. People vote on the battle(s) but they don't know who wrote on verses so their is no bias or favoritism towards anybody. We would probably have the contestants who wrote the verse to drop votes against themselves so it doesn't look like they wrote them (Like oh why isn't Lockhart voting on this, he signed up for this Anonymous tournament hmm.) Also, obviously there would be no personals because they wouldn't know who their battling. We could also do Anonymous tag team battles.
Like I said please add your ideas below