So You Want A "Green Coat"? Keep It 100..
....when you come up with your "great idea" that will "save LB"...
1. Share it
2. Execute
Good ideas will never work if the creators and supporters do not follow thru.. Its the follow thru that is the issue here on LB... We have to complete the mission.
Its easy to come up with an idea and then say "Make it happen".. and not willing to do the dirty work.. and if so, not for long.
Guys pm me all the time with ideas that could help, but who's going to do the dirty work to make it successful. They may run it for 5 to 9 days, then fall off once they dont see a Green Coat in the near future...
So here's the challenge..
This is a challenge that ensures that these guys FOLLOW THRU with these bright ideas you guys say will "save LB"..
The Keep It 100 Challenge:
Execute and maintain your idea for 100 days or 100xs or 100 whatever. It depends on the idea..
By doing this:
Give admin a chance to actually have some data to compare to the site before and after.
Gives the idea creator/creators a great case come green coat time.
Gives the idea a chance to grow to its full potential and God forbid actually help the site..
Brought to you by the good people of
Last edited by Joe MuGGz; 01-03-2015 at 09:40 PM.