put a battle up for votes in the fvc thread 2 days ago . once again , no fucking votes . whats the point in having the damn fvc if they don't even do the job that their 'title' supposedly bestows on them ? I have been trying to elevate the past few months , and though I don't always agree with their comments , I take them on board and try to up my game ,but why should I bother putting my battles in the fvc thread if none of the lazy fuckas can be bothered to take 2 minutes to dropa vote and some constructive criticism ? they seem happy to have 'FAIR VOTERS CLUB' plastered under their name , butto me they are doing absolutely fuck all to deserve it . and the worst part is I have seen at least half of their names online in the past couple of days , so no excuses , it just pure fucking laziness and disrespectful to just damn well ignore people who have asked for a vote . if they cant be bothered they leave the fvc and get some people in their who can drop a vote and earn the tag of being in the fvc .