I'm a decent freestyler with a shotty flow. My frees are usually muti-syllabled out , usuallly make sense and contain origianly substance but I deliver my set sounding unconfident, jumbled, and indirect and I'm at times too quiet when recording. I knew my flow was off and have gotten confirmation of this from the respected feedback I have been given from voters. I'm not saying I'm close to great in any aspect of the game but at times I'm taking losses to a weaker more basic rhymeset thats more predictable than mine due to the fact my opponent laces it all up in a smooth, aggresive battle ready flow.
I understand this completely, am not bitching or arguing I'm just opening up this topic for discussion. Yeah, sometimes its frustrating to get beat that way but it's that frustrating ones self that keeps me coming back, sort of like golf to me. I love the multiple factors that go in to either winning or losing a battle because we cant rely on just one strength to always put us over the top. Bottom line in my opion is that our ears dig audible sexiness and the sexier sounding a drop is the better chance it has to be victorious even if on paper its not as good as the less sexy flow aka Dat Handy Rap
Opinions, Disagreements, Additional comments are all welcome and a big shout out to the educated voters that take time to listen and give an honest opinion. We vote with a personal opinion which can differ in each voter, but as long as that opinion is completely honest than that judge has given the only type of fair "fairvote" and that's what i respect and all I can ask for .