Funny how Nick recruits Lockhart & a few other AC's & now all of a sudden BSI is the best crew Lol..
lockart has the potential to be a future hall of famer in text, dude puts in work.. & without him BSI wouldnt be nearly as deep.
For BSI's 'active' members, I got respect for lockhart , @
leroyBrown , @
GOD , & @
Ill Phenom ... Tha rest are either inactive, average at best, or gas'd up more than they should be..
Snoopy316 & @
Nicholas all you faggets ever do is talk like your the greatest on this shit. Idk where you got that undeserved sense of entitlement...
But on sum real shit.. Snoop gotta be retarded or have like an IQ of like 70, you can't spell for shit & you sound so stupid thinking your "embarrassing people" on here... & Nick, your basically doin tha same shit as Snoopy except you can spell better.
I Tell It How I See It