Word Feeding..
Word feeding is a freetyle game primarily used in Freestyle cyphers.. on/off nets alike.. regardless how you do it the principles are the same... people throw out words and you "Have to sue" the words in the order they are thrown.. and if you cant then the next person in rotation takes up the word after that
Is is "NOT!!" when 5 people makes a list of 100 words and your asss reads down the list like a retarded paragraph that doesn't end..
its when you use the words as a ending bar in rhyming
word - twister
"destroy the pussy and cause a mess like a TWISTER
infected my dick like it had the flu the way it bump'd like BLISTERS"
more appropriate and more in depth way to flow properly when being fed words..
make it a 3-4 bar rhyme scheme and have it rhyme on the 3rd-4th bar by building rhyming words in front of the original (shows proper attention span,vocab,and thought process to freestyle)
word - glimmer
1 - boiling hot let the water SIMMER
2 - "cole world" the way i'm a born SINNER"
3 - (insert original rhyme scheme) """here"""
4 - """or here"""
"Draw to your hearts desire
and keep it
(DJ Denton)

Originally Posted by Dave
Originally Posted by Punk The God
ahh.. yea your a good fucker..
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