Originally Posted by NOBLE
Everyone taking pride in their countries' "doing this" and "inventing that" remind me of mullet-wearing low-life rednecks claiming to be superior as a White person because another White person invented or accomplished something. When in reality, you're just a piece of shit redneck who hasn't invented or accomplished a god-damned thing.
Everyone claiming America is the most powerful and prosperous country...how much of that power and prosperity do YOU personally control and benefit from?
As a Black man living in America, I have never felt fully "American" or included in "The American Dream" or whatever America is supposed to be. This is the same country that gave the Tuskegee Airmen syphilis on purpose and deliberately gave the Native Americans smallpox-infested blankets to dwindle their population. And even though these are examples from the past, there are many things that go on today that are a continuation of the atrociousness. So, to me, America will never be the greatest nation on earth until it can resolve those issues. I don't give a fuck how strong her military is. Harmony within society and and how fairly the "lowest" members of that society are treated is more a marker for "greatness" to me than military might.
And focus on your own individual accomplishments rather than celebrating the accomplishments of others.
tell it to ya diary wack ass nigga